


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:==多少钱?健康的成年人应该以每周至少150分钟的中等有氧运动或75分钟的剧烈有氧运动为目标,或者中等和剧烈运动的同等组合。不过,这并不一定要一次完成。例如,每周5天,每次快走30分钟就符合指南。有氧运动甚至可以在短时间内进行,比如每天散步几次。任何活动都比没有好Mayoclinic [https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/fitness/basics/aerobic-exercise/hlv-20049447有氧运动]可从:https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/fitness/basics/aerobic-exercise/hlv-20049447(最后访问日期为2020年10月23日)

# " '有氧能力:''最大有氧能力随有氧训练而增加。静止Vo2是稳定的,在给定的工作负荷下Vo2也是稳定的。这些变化是特定于训练肌肉的。# ''心输出量:'''最大CO增加,而静息CO稳定。静息SV增加,静息HR相应降低。 # '''Heart rate:''' Resting HR decreases with aerobic training and is lower at any given workload. The maximum HR is unchanged. # '''Stroke volume:''' SV increases at rest and is maintained at a lower HR, resulting in a lower RPP for a given level of exertion. # '''Myocardial oxygen capacity:''' Maximum Mvo2 usually does not change, but at a given workload, Mvo2 decreases with training. This reduces episodes of angina. # '''Peripheral vascular resistance (PVR):''' Aerobic training reduces arterial and arteriolar tone, thereby decreasing cardiac “afterload” and PVR. The reduction in PVR results in a lower RPP and a lower Mvo2 at a given workload and at rest.

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