


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:病理生理学 == FMS的发病机制被认为是中枢神经系统(CNS)的功能失调,其特征是中枢致敏,即疼痛感知增强,伴随着无效的疼痛抑制和/或调节。这种对外周刺激的反应增加导致痛觉过敏、异常性疼痛和多脊柱节段的牵涉性疼痛,导致慢性广泛性疼痛和肌肉骨骼系统对感觉输入的耐受性降低。FMS引起系统失调:神经系统失调;免疫;endocrinologic;肠道器官系统。1.自主神经系统自主神经系统(ANS)负责调节[[交感神经系统|交感神经]](“战斗或逃跑”)和[[副交感神经系统|副交感神经]](“休息和消化”)的反应。在FMS中,患者会经历全身性交感神经(SNS)反应增强,副交感神经(PNS)调节减弱。SNS持续过度激活导致心率加快,胃分泌物和收缩过多,整个消化道平滑肌收缩异常,呼吸快速而浅,血管收缩。 This can lead to [[malnutrition]] due to absorption and digestion disruptions. Prolonged inhibition of PNS alters the neuroimmunoendocrine systems, directly affecting growth hormone secretion by the pituitary gland. This can result in nonrestorative sleep, pain, fatigue, and cognitive/mood symptoms. 2. Immune System The immune response to infection, inflammation, and/or trauma is a release of cytokines for local healing, which trigger the CNS to release glial cells within the brain and [[Spinal cord anatomy|spinal cord]] for healing support and pain response. With FMS, this auto-immune response is heightened, causing an excess of glia in the body which creates an exaggerated state of pain (chronic). === Causes[[:File:FMS physiologic Effects.png|]] === There are many hypotheses of how multiple factors play a role in the development of FMS. The exact etiology of FMS is still being researched; however, there are several potential causes and risk factors, listed below, that are currently associated with, or increase one’s risk for developing this condition. *Diet File:Food Pyramid.gif *Viral *Occupation, seasonal, environmental influences *Adverse childhood experiences (i.e. PTSD) *Psychological and cognitive/behavioral factors *Other conditions: [[Rheumatoid Arthritis|RA]], systemic lupus erythematosus, or AS Current research remains inconclusive regarding the genetic or hereditary cause of SMS. A family history of FMS is a risk factor.

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