


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:=== x射线=== [[File: lisfrance .jpg|拇指|Lisfranc关节复合体]][[File:Sesamoid Bone.png|拇指|Sesamoid Bone in the first跖骨远端]]An [[x射线| x射线]]可以帮助调查骨骼和软组织:*根据五种x射线征象协助诊断“[[跟腱断裂|跟腱断裂]]”。Bowen L, Evans R, Bodger O, Howard J, ann - marie H. [https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/ebf8/385215a158a6c5a2ea5b63554eba5dfa2d42.pdf踝关节侧位x线软组织征像对跟腱断裂急诊诊断的有效性研究]。[J] .足踝[J] . 2019;3:033。踝关节侧位x线片是诊断跟腱断裂的可靠依据。 *可能不足以识别"踝部骨折"。[Szymański T, Zdanowicz U. [https://reader.elsevier.com/reader/sd/pii/S1268773121000783?token=20BAABA2656F575E4601ED8303F1B6E4B0582F1FC9F97CE00713DCEF03C1EECA7C36EA352B30679E107BB48D397AC0AB&originRegion=eu-west-1&originCreation=20220108195539踝部骨折的常规计算机断层扫描与x线平片的比较-我们遗漏了多少]。脚部和脚踝手术。2021年4月1日。 * " '[[踝关节联合扭伤|踝关节联合损伤]]" ''在x射线上经常被忽略。 *协助诊断“[[物理治疗师的足部和踝关节诊断成像|踝关节骨折]]”。建议采用正面视图、侧面视图和榫眼视图。榫卯视图是指内旋15°的AP视图。如有可能,x线透视时应使患者站立。 The patient is advised to stand even with little weight (even 99 % on the un-injured foot). There are exceptions when there is an obvious dislocation / open fracture. When ankle fracture is ruled out, but there is no progress in patient's rehabilitation and the patient continues to complain of pain, an X-ray should be repeated within 6 weeks to rule out [[Ankle Osteochondral Lesions|osteochondral lesion]] or hairline fracture. * Malalignment of the second tarsometatarsal joint is a common feature in '''[[Lisfranc Injuries|Lisfranc fracture-dislocations]].''' The X-ray's AP view shows lateral displacement of the second metatarsal base and diastasis over 2 mm between the first and second metatarsal bases. It is recommended that an X-ray is taken of each foot in a weight-bearing position, so that the injured side can be compared to the contralateral side.Stavlas P, Roberts CS, Xypnitos FN, Giannoudis PV. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2989076/pdf/264_2010_Article_1101.pdf The role of reduction and internal fixation of Lisfranc fracture-dislocations: a systematic review of the literature]. Int Orthop. 2010 Dec;34(8):1083-91. * '''Hindfoot malalignment''' causes foot and ankle disability. The assessment of X-ray results of hindfoot alignment is important. The recommendation for a clinical and research purpose is to use the long axial hindfoot view in a bilateral stance. ML Reilingh, L Beimers, GJM Tuijthof, SAS Stufkens, M Maas, et al. [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/40900666_Measuring_hindfoot_alignment_radiographically_The_long_axial_view_is_more_reliable_than_the_hindfoot_alignment_view Measuring hindfoot alignment radiographically: the long axial view is more reliable than the hindfoot alignment view.] Skeletal radiology 2010;39 (11): 1103-1108. * The '''fracture of the [[Sesamoid|sesamoid bone]]''' is shown on X-ray as a rough space between the bone pieces. A smooth separation of two bones visible on X-ray is a normal sign in about 10 % of the population. * '''[[Ligament Sprain|Ligament injuries]]''' were confirmed on a first diagnostic X-ray in only 50% of patients. This number increased to 66% of patients during the second X-ray when the diagnosis was confirmed.Qi H, Feng Y. [https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=9050426 Analysis of the clinical value of weight-bearing magnetic resonance diagnosis of ankle ligament sports injury.] IEEE Access. 2020 Mar 30;8:62725-37.

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