


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:韧带损伤=== [[File:Ankle-Sprains.jpg|右|无框|400x400px]]在创伤性关节损伤中,韧带最常被撕裂,可能导致部分或完全韧带断裂。下面的描述是一个完整的撕裂。韧带的愈合过程包括三个阶段:#出血伴炎症-包括断裂的韧带末端缩回,形成血凝块,随后被吸收,并被大量细胞浸润所取代。随后,在中断端之间的间隙发生相当大的血管肥厚反应,导致血管和血流量增加,两者都随着时间的推移而减少。基质和细胞增殖——定义为肥厚的成纤维细胞产生“疤痕组织”(致密的、细胞的、胶原的结缔组织基质)。这个疤痕组织最初相当混乱,有更多的缺陷。经过几周的愈合,胶原蛋白与韧带的长轴排列得很好,尽管增生组织中的胶原蛋白类型异常,胶原原纤维直径较小。#重塑和成熟(基质重塑)-疤痕中的缺陷被填充,但尽管基质随着时间的推移变得更像韧带,但在组成、结构和功能上的一些主要差异仍然存在。持续存在的差异包括蛋白聚糖和胶原类型改变,胶原交联不能成熟,胶原纤维直径小,细胞连接改变,血管增多,神经支配异常,细胞增多和基质“缺陷”不完全愈合“韧带损伤的三个等级是:''' '''一级扭伤通常在几周内愈合。最大韧带强度将在6周后胶原纤维成熟时出现。 Resting from painful activity, icing the injury, and some anti-inflammatory medications are useful. Physiotherapy will help to hasten the healing process via electrical modalities, massage and exercise. '''Grade II sprains''' are more significant and disabling. These injuries require load protection during the early healing phase. Depending on the ligament injury this may include the use of a weight-bearing brace or some supportive taping is common in early treatment (helps to ease the pain and avoid stretching of the healing ligament). This may commonly take 6 to 12 weeks depending the injury and what sport or activity clients is to resume. '''Grade III injury''' is a very significant injury often requiring an opinion from an Orthopaedic Surgeon to determine whether early surgical repair is required. If surgery is required, your rehabilitation will be guided by your surgeon and physiotherapist. In non-surgical ligament injuries protection of the injury from weight-bearing stresses is important. The aim is to allow for ligament healing in a short/non-stressful position. Rehabilitation is slowly progressed as the ligament repairs and a gradual return to normal activities can occur. Depending upon the ligament injury full level of activity can take 3 to 4 months or even up to 12 months. Very severe ligament injuries can even take longer. Physioworks [https://physioworks.com.au/Injuries-Conditions/Regions/ligament-injury Ligaments] Available from:https://physioworks.com.au/Injuries-Conditions/Regions/ligament-injury (last accessed 13.2.2020) [[File:Knee ligaments.png|right|frameless]]

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