


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:==健康饮食基础==[[文件:Nutrition-pyramid.jpg|404x404px|营养金字塔|右|无框]]“吃各种各样的食物”*吃不同的食物组合,包括主食(如谷物,如小麦,大麦,黑麦,玉米或大米,或淀粉块茎或根,如土豆,山药,芋头或木薯),豆类(如扁豆,豆类),蔬菜,水果和动物来源的食物(如肉,鱼,蛋和牛奶)为什么?*每天食用各种完整的(即未经加工的)和新鲜的食物有助于儿童和成人获得适量的必需营养素。它还有助于他们避免高糖、高脂肪和高盐的饮食,这可能导致不健康的体重增加(即超重和肥胖)和非传染性疾病。健康、均衡的饮食对幼儿的发展尤为重要;它还能帮助老年人拥有更健康、更积极的生活。“多吃蔬菜和水果”*多吃各种蔬菜和水果*零食应选择生蔬菜和新鲜水果,而不是高糖、高脂肪或高盐的食物*避免将蔬菜和水果煮得过熟,因为这会导致重要维生素的流失*当使用罐装或干蔬菜和水果时,应选择没有添加盐和糖的品种为什么?*蔬菜和水果是维生素、矿物质、膳食纤维、植物蛋白和抗氧化剂的重要来源。饮食中富含蔬菜和水果的人患肥胖、心脏病、中风、糖尿病和某些类型癌症的风险明显较低。“适量进食脂肪和油”*使用不饱和植物油(如橄榄油、大豆油、葵花籽油或玉米油),而非动物脂肪或饱和脂肪含量高的油(如黄油、酥油、猪油、椰子油和棕榈油)*选择通常脂肪含量低的白肉(如家禽)和鱼,而非红肉*只进食少量加工肉类,因为这些肉类脂肪和盐含量高*在可能的情况下,选择低脂或减脂的牛奶和乳制品*避免含有工业生产反式脂肪的加工、烘焙和油炸食品为什么? * Fats and oils are concentrated sources of energy, and eating too much fat, particularly the wrong kinds of fat, can be harmful to health. For example, people who eat too much saturated fat and trans fat are at higher risk of heart disease and stroke. Trans-fat may occur naturally in certain meat and milk products, but the industrially produced trans-fat (e.g. partially hydrogenated oils) present in various processed foods is the main source. '''Eat less salt and sugars''' * When cooking and preparing foods, limit the amount of salt and high-sodium condiments (e.g. soy sauce and fish sauce) * Avoid foods (e.g. snacks), that are high in salt and sugars * Limit intake of soft drinks or soda and other drinks that are high in sugars (e.g. fruit juices, cordials and syrups, flavoured milk and yoghurt drinks) * Choose fresh fruits instead of sweet snacks such as cookies, cakes and chocolate Why? * People whose diets are high in sodium (including salt) have a greater risk of high blood pressure, which can increase their risk of heart disease and stroke. Similarly, those whose diets are high in sugars have a greater risk of becoming overweight or obese, and an increased risk of tooth decay. People who reduce the number of sugars in their diet may also reduce their risk of noncommunicable diseases such as heart disease and strokeWHO [https://www.who.int/nutrition/topics/5keys_healthydiet/en/ 5 keys to a healthy diet] Available from:https://www.who.int/nutrition/topics/5keys_healthydiet/en/ (last accessed 15.10.2020).

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