


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:==特征/临床表现==   [图片:Sarcoidosis.jpeg|border|center|366px|http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/f/f9/Cutaneous_findings_in_systemic_sarcoidosis.JPEG](图片由BMC Dermatology提供。可在http://wapedia.mobi/en/Sarcoidosis找到)症状的表现取决于几个因素。患者的种族、病程、位置和疾病进展都会影响目前的症状。[]

{| width="200" border="1" align="left" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" summary="Available at http://wapedia.mobi/en/Sarcoidosis" |+图片由BMC Dermatology |- | Available at http://wapedia.mobi/en/Sarcoidosis |}

患者表现取决于器官受累程度和疾病进程的严重程度。近33%的患者出现非特异性症状,包括发热、体重减轻、虚弱和/或不适。器官受累是表现最重要的决定因素之一。累及肺部的患者经常表现为干咳、呼吸困难和胸痛/不适。这种类型的患者往往会因肺组织纤维化而突然缓解或迅速进行性肺功能丧失。另一个影响病人表现的重要因素包括他们到诊所的阶段。  Sarcoidosis has 4 stages with stages I and II being less involved with less severe or no symptoms at all.  The later stages, III and IV, include more severe symptoms and a further decrease in organ function.  For pulmonary patients, increased tissue fibrosis, decreased airflow, persistent cough, and a possibility of bronchiectasis.  Of the stages, remission periods vary greatly.  Stage I has a remission period of 55-90% while stage II has been recorded from 40-70%.  The more severe stages have been recorded as follows, 10-20% and 0-5% respectively.  Other common organ involvement includes the liver which may show granulomas from testing.  However, liver function may not be severely affected by the inflammatory process.  Skin involvement is present in over 1/4 of patients with sarcoidosis.  The most common lesions include plaques, nodules, erythema nodosum, and lupus pernio.  Common presentation of lupus pernio includes the involvement of plaques around the individual's lips, cheeks, nose, and ears indicating a more chronic stage of the disease.

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