


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:病因学==细菌或病毒感染通过血流进入关节有三种不同的方式:[[文件:伤口肉毒杆菌。jpg|右|无框|200x200px]]] #通过手术、关节镜检查、注射、中央静脉注射或全关节置换术直接接种。撕裂皮肤的伤口,如咬伤、割伤或开放性骨折。另一种全身感染,如骨髓炎、蜂窝织炎、憩室炎或脓肿到达关节引起另一种感染。===儿童年龄组的多种病因===“金黄色葡萄球菌”是最常见的细菌病原体。髋关节最常见于儿童。一些病原与特定的年龄组和潜在的医疗条件有关。*“金氏菌”是2至3岁以下儿童中最常见的革兰氏阴性细菌。* B群“链球菌”、“金黄色葡萄球菌”、“淋病奈瑟菌”和革兰氏阴性“杆菌”在新生儿中很常见。*“淋病奈瑟菌”是性活跃的青少年关注的问题。*沙门氏菌感染与镰状细胞病有关。 * Patients on prolonged antibiotic therapy are at risk for fungal infections. * Puncture wounds and injection drug use are associated with joint infection due to ''Pseudomonas aeruginosa.'' === Etiology in Adults === ''Staphylococcus aureus'' is the most common infecting organism in adults. The knee is the most commonly affected joint in adults followed by the hip. * ''Streptococcus pneumonia'' is less common, but still a significant source of infection in adults. * ''Salmonella'' in patients with sickle cell, * ''Pseudomonas'' in trauma/puncture wounds. * In young sexually active patients, nontraumatic acute monoarthritis is most frequently caused by ''Neisseria gonorrhea''. In high-risk patients, ''Neisseria gonorrhea'' should be cultured from other sites such as the oropharynx, vagina, cervix, urethra or anus as the organism grows poorly from cultured synovial fluid. * Fungal and mycobacterial organisms present insidiously and may be more difficult to diagnose. The acid-fast smear of synovial fluid is often negative, but synovial biopsy is positive in 95% of cases.
=== Associated Risk Factors === Two of the most important factors that put a patient at risk are a pre-existing joint pathology, especially [[Rheumatoid Arthritis]], or a recent prosthetic joint surgery.'''''' Other risk factors to be considered are: 
* [[Older People - An Introduction|Increasing age]] * History of infection of any kind *Autoimmune conditions such as Systemic Lupus Erythematosus *[[Scleroderma]] or mixed connective tissue disease *[[Diabetes]] *[[Sarcoidosis]] *Human bite or tick bite *[[Fracture]] *Central line placement *Indwelling catheter *Immunocompromised condition eg [[Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)]] *Chronic joint damage ([[Rheumatoid Arthritis|RA]], [[Osteoarthritis|OA]]) *Sexually transmitted infection *[[Intraveneous Drug Abuse|Injection drug user]] *[[Alcoholism]] *Recent immunization *Mal[[nutrition]] *Skin breakdown *Rarely seen is a case of Infectious Arthritis as a complication from [[ACL Reconstruction|ACL]] reconstruction due to contaminated bone-tendon-bone allografts.

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