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=== Primary / Central and Secondary / Satellite Trigger Points ===
*活动TrP是触诊时引起压痛和牵涉性疼痛的任何点。触诊也可能引起自主神经症状,如皮肤发红、出汗和头晕<参考文献>Pringle K. [https://www.jmptonline.org/article/S0161-4754(99)70079-5/abstract肌筋膜疼痛和功能障碍:触发点手册]。手法与生理治疗。1999年6月1日;22(5):A1.。*潜伏性TrP不会自发引起疼痛,局部或牵涉性疼痛仅发生在强指压Fernández-de-Las-Peñas C, Dommerholt J. [https://academic.oup.com/painmedicine/article-abstract/19/1/142/4091339肌筋膜触发点诊断标准和临床考虑的国际共识:一项德尔菲研究]。疼痛医学,2018;19(1):142-50.。 They may change muscle activation patterns or cause muscle weakness in pain-free patientsGe HY, Monterde S, Graven-Nielsen T, Arendt-Nielsen L. Latent Myofascial Trigger Points Are Associated With an Increased Intramuscular Electromyographic Activity During Synergistic Muscle Activation. The journal of pain. [https://www-sciencedirect-com.ezproxy.library.uq.edu.au/science/article/pii/S1526590013013187 2014;15(2):181–7.]Celik D, Yeldan İ. [https://content.iospress.com/articles/journal-of-back-and-musculoskeletal-rehabilitation/bmr00302 The relationship between latent trigger point and muscle strength in healthy subjects: a double-blind study]. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation. 2011 Jan 1;24(4):251-6.. * Reproduction of painful symptoms is the diagnostic criterion differentiating between the two.
=== Diffuse Trigger Points ===
* Commonly happen in case of severe postural deformity where initially primary TrPs are multiple, so secondary multiple TrPs are only a response of a mechanism, called diffuse.
=== Attachment Trigger Points ===
* Arise in tendo-osseous junctions which become very tender. If not treated, degenerative processes of an adjacent joint can spring up.
=== Ligamentous Trigger Points ===
* Even ligaments can develop trigger points. Presence of TrPs in the anterior longitudinal ligament of the spine can result in neck instability. Some knee pain syndromes are successfully healed when treated ligamentum patellae and fibular collateral ligament.

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