


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:==标准措施==为什么要进行运动测试?*确保有氧运动训练可以安全地开始(进行体育活动和运动处方|参加前健康筛查)。*诊断原因-识别异常生理反应;*预后原因-识别不良事件;*治疗原因-衡量给定干预措施的影响;身体活动咨询;设计一个运动处方。标准的分级运动测试在临床上用于评估患者对增加有氧运动强度的承受能力,例如:*循环测力仪*布鲁斯跑步机测试(分级跑步机测试中最常用的方案之一)-最大运动测试,运动员在跑步机速度和倾斜度每三分钟增加的情况下完成疲劳。在跑步机上的时间长度是测试分数,可以用来估计最大摄氧量。在测试过程中,心率、血压和[[Borg Rating Of Perceived用力|ratings Of Perceived用力]]也经常被收集verywellfit Bruce跑步机测试可从:https://www.verywellfit.com/the-bruce-treadmill-test-protocol-3120269(最后访问日期为2020年10月22日)。这些测试有助于确定心血管健康和运动能力的标准措施。美国运动与医学学院。(2014)《ACSM运动试验与处方指南》。 Available from: http://antoinedl.com/fichiers/public/ACSM-guidelines-2014.pdf [2020-5-5]. * '''Maximal aerobic power or maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max):''' It is a measure of the maximum amount of oxygen that an individual can use per unit of time during strenuous physical exertion at sea level.Maximal aerobic power is typically expressed in absolute power as L/min or normalized for body weight as mL · kg−1 · min−1.It is convenient to express oxygen uptake in multiples of sitting/resting requirements. * '''Peak metabolic equivalents (MET):''' One metabolic equivalent (MET) is a unit of sitting/resting oxygen uptake (≈3.5 mL of O2 per kilogram of body weight per minute [mL · kg−1 · min−1]). METs are a useful, convenient, and standarized way to describe the absolute intensity of a variety of physical activities. Light physical activity is defined as requiring 3 METs, moderate as 3–6 METs, and vigorous as 6 METs. V̇o2 max is influenced by age, sex, exercise habits, heredity, and cardiovascular clinical status.Gerald et al. American heart association. Exercise Standards for Testing and Training. Available from: https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/full/10.1161/hc3901.095960[2020/5/5].

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