


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:==体位== ===仰卧位=== #仰卧在平面上(或床上),膝盖弯曲。你可以在头下垫个枕头,如果这样更舒服的话,可以垫在膝盖上。把一只手放在你的上胸部,另一只手放在你的腹部,就在你的胸腔下面。#用鼻子慢慢吸气,让空气深深地吸进去,朝向你的下腹部。放在胸前的手应该保持不动,而放在腹部的手应该抬起。收紧你的腹部肌肉,让它们向内下沉,当你通过噘起的嘴唇呼气。放在腹部的手应该移到原来的位置。[参考文献]Yokogawa M, Kurebayashi T, Ichimura T, Nishino M, Miaki H, Nakagawa T. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5909014/非特异性呼吸和横膈膜呼吸两种深呼吸练习指令的比较]。物理治疗科学杂志。2018; 30(4): 614 - 8。 BibTeXEndNoteRefManRefWorks You can also practice this sitting in a chair, with your knees bent and your shoulders, head, and neck relaxed. Practice for five to 10 minutes, several times a day if possible. {{#ev:youtube|0Ua9bOsZTYg |300}}jivan sharma. Diaphragmatic Breathing Technique. Available from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Ua9bOsZTYg [last accessed 3/4/2020] {{#ev:youtube|BckGYBfN5e0 |300}} === Sitting position === # Sit up straight in a chair lengthen the distance between your navel and sternum. # Keep your shoulders relax. # Keep the pelvis in neutral position (Sit on your sitting bones). # Place your hands at either side of your lower ribs. Breath in slowly through your nose. As you inhale feel your ribs expanding outwards and upwards. During inhalation is generated expansion of the trunk in three directions front , sides and back. Breath out from your nose. As you exhale feel your lower ribs moving inwards''.''

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