


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:==闭合运动链== Steindler对[[闭合运动链练习|闭合运动链练习]]的定义是当远端节段遇到“相当大”的外部阻力,阻止自由运动时。,因此,这是一个近端节段和远端节段都不能移动的系统。Rivera JE。下肢开放与封闭动力链康复:功能和生物力学分析。JSR。2010年4月21日3(2)。遗憾的是,斯坦德勒在他的 最初的定义,这导致混乱和争议的是什么被认为是一个真正的封闭动力学链运动。*真正的闭合动力链运动模式从未出现在四肢中,除了在等长运动中不发生运动。 *然而,在临床实践中,闭合动力链的定义是“阻力通过肢体远端放置并保持固定在肢体上”。 The best example of this is the standing squat because the feet remain fixed to the ground and the surface produces considerable resistance in response to the athlete’s bodyweight or added weight.  * For more than 20 years, closed kinetic chain exercises have been incorporated more and more into [[Rehabilitation Frameworks|rehabilitation]] programs because of their inherent functional stimulation.
=== Characteristics of Closed Kinetic Chain Exercises=== {| style="text-align: left; width: 100%;" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="0" |- | Using the standing squat as an example -
*Linear stress pattern is produced at the tibiofemoral joint due to axial joint loading *Movement occurs at multiple joints and multiple-joint axes at the hip, knee, ankle (talocrural), and subtalar joints *Simultaneous movement occurs at both segments *Because of the simultaneous segmental movement, an increase in muscular co-contraction is required to stabilize and control the movements across the joints in the chain

| [[Image:Standing squat.png|thumb|center|Standing Squat]] |}

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