


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:营养和物理治疗营养可以直接影响一个人在物理治疗师的护理下的恢复和功能。因此,PTs应该关注并处理其患者和客户的营养摄入和饮食模式。科学越来越多地表明营养对康复和恢复有多么重要。正如我们所知,在创伤状态下,比如受伤或手术,身体的营养需求会增加:*身体进入更高的代谢状态,需要更多的能量*创伤和缺乏使用导致肌肉萎缩,延长恢复时间*[[免疫系统|免疫系统]]由于应激和休克而被削弱*[[伤口评估|伤口感染]]的风险增加*持续的炎症延迟功能的恢复*创伤和生理应激导致疲劳增加MEND PT和营养https://mend.me/physical-therapy-and-nutritiona-practitioners-guide/(最后访问日期为2020年10月15日)营养缺乏阻碍愈合的自然进展。包括增加感染的风险和延长恢复期。一个营养优化的病人会愈合得更好更快,并有更好的长期结果。如果不这样做,愈合会更差、更慢,还可能有长期的并发症。美国物理治疗协会(APTA)。PT饮食营养的作用。 Available at: https://www.apta.org/apta-and-you/leadership-and-governance/policies/role-of-pt-diet-nutrition. [Last accessed: 26 September 2020] Physical therapists/ Physiotherapists are committed to improving and promoting wellnessBurniston J, Eftekhari F, Hrabi S, Worsley R, Dean E. [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1013702512000267 Health behaviour change and lifestyle-related condition prevalence: Comparison of two epochs based on systematic review of the physical therapy literature]. Hong Kong Physiotherapy journal. 2012. Vol 30. Pg 44-56., general health, lifestyle and quality of life. * They are well-positioned as established healthcare practitioners, to provide clinically relevant patient education on the long-term health benefits of good nutrition which may include eg [[Behaviour Change|behaviour changes]] to improve their general health and physical therapy outcomes.Alexander J, Bambury E, Mendoza A, Reynolds J, Veronneau R, Dean E. [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1013702512000280 Health education strategies used by physical therapists to promote behavioural change in people with lifestyle-related conditions]: A systematic review. Hong Kong Physiotherapy journal. 2012. Vol 30. Pg 57-75. * To manage a patient as a whole with a holistic approach physiotherapists need to have basic knowledge about the role of nutrition, as well as understand the effects of a successful behaviour change. * see also [[Muscle Function and Protein|Muscle Strength and Protein]]

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