


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:特征/临床表现==大多数SHS是良性的,在普通人群中很常见。有症状的患者在屈伸时可能会感到疼痛或无力,从而限制了他们的活动。=== External SHS === People with external SHS will usually have a gradual onset of snapping or pain located laterally over the greater trochanter. The external type is not associated with a traumatic event, but mostly with a minor mechanism of injury. The clinical presentation is often easily observable by observing and listening for snap as the patient actively flexes and extends the [[hip]]. These patients may describe a sense that the [[hip]] is [[Hip Dislocation|dislocating]]. People with external SHS may also have coxa vara, fibrotic scar tissue, a prominent greater trochanter, smaller lateral pelvic width, or a past surgery for anterolateral [[knee]] instability. {{#ev:youtube|wiWHd_j7aX0}}Hinojosa T. EBP - Snapping Hip. Available from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wiWHd_j7aX0 (accessed 15/11/2020). === Internal SHS === Internal SHS also has a gradual onset, not usually associated with a traumatic event. These patients describe a painful sensation coming from deep within the anterior groin as they move their [[hip]] from flexion into extension or external rotation. The snapping movement can produce an auditory clunk or click. === Intra-articular SHS === Patients with intra-articular SHS report a sudden onset of snapping or clicking from an injury or traumatic event to the [[hip]] capsule. The sources of this snapping can come from intra-capsular lesions, loose bodies settling in the acetabular fovea or synovial folds, a [[Labral Tear|torn acetabular labrum]], synovial chondromatosis, or a history of habitual [[Hip Dislocation|hip dislocation]] in children or idiopathic recurrent subluxation.

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