


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:== 特征/临床表现 ==[[图片:FMSSx.png[|右]]]肌肉疼痛是FMS的主要症状,无论身体活动如何,患者通常将其描述为“疼痛或灼烧”。其他症状或相关问题也会出现,报告频率各不相同,这些症状或相关问题也会影响功能。由于反复暴露于外围刺激或活动(也称为“上弦反应”),FMS可能会引起较低强度的残余痛觉。张建军,张建军,张建军,等。用复合自主神经症状量表(COMPASS)评估纤维肌痛患者的自主神经功能障碍。临床风湿病杂志:风湿病和肌肉骨骼疾病的实践报告[在线系列]。6月2009;15(4):172 - 176。可从:MEDLINE,伊普斯维奇,马萨诸塞州。2017年4月2日发布。其他症状包括睡眠障碍、疲劳以及其他认知和躯体症状。[参考文献]Bair MJ, Krebs EE。 Fibromyalgia. Annals of internal medicine. 2020 Mar 3;172(5):ITC33-48. https://sci-hub.hkvisa.net/10.7326/AITC202003030 Symptoms are often exacerbated by: *[[Stress and Health|Stress]] *Overloading physical activity *Overstretching *Damp or chilly weather *Heat exposure of humidity *Sudden change in barometric pressure *Trauma *Another illness A recent study carried out by Sempere-Rubio et al found out that functional capacity, upper limb muscular strength, postural maintenance, pain threshold, and anxiety are important predictive factors of QoL in women with FM.Sempere-Rubio N, Aguilar-Rodríguez M, Inglés M, Izquierdo-Alventosa R, Serra-Añó P. Physical Condition Factors that Predict a Better Quality of Life in Women with Fibromyalgia. International journal of environmental research and public health. 2019 Jan;16(17):3173.

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