


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:输氧设备输氧设备分为两种:“低流量输氧系统''' '''高流量输氧系统''' '''低流量输氧系统”是指吸入空气中确切的氧气含量(FiO2)将基于患者的解剖储层和微小通气。它们是:[[文件:鼻插管。png|拇指|鼻插管]]*“鼻插管:”它每分钟可携带高达1 - 6升的O2, FiO2 0.24 - 0.44(每升流量约4%), FiO2随着通气率的增加而降低。它是世界卫生组织推荐的5岁以下儿童供氧设备(一级证据)。儿童氧疗:卫生工作者手册。2016.ISBN 978 92 4 154955 4。是长期氧疗的理想选择。它不会增加死区,也没有再呼吸。氧气疗法。国际卫生与护理新研究杂志,2016; 3(2):8-14 [[File:640px-Simple face mask.jpg|thumb|Face mask]] * '''Simple Mask:''' It can carry upto 5 – 10Litres of O2 per Minute with FIO2 0.35 – 0.55 (approximate flowrate of 40%). Flowrates should be set at 5 L/min or more to avoid rebreathing expired CO2 retained in the mask. It slightly increases dead space and there is little rebreathing. It is usually uncomfortable for patients, obstruct eating and drinking and also, muffles speech. [[File:Partial rebreather mask.jpeg|thumb|Partial rebreather mask]] * '''Partial Rebreather''' is a simple mask with a reservoir bag. Oxygen flow should always be supplied to maintain the reservior bag on inspiration thus avoiding reservoir bag deflation. At a flow of 6-10 L/min the system can provide 50-70% oxygen. [[File:Non Rebreather Mask.JPG|thumb|Non-rebreather mask]] * '''Non-rebreather:''' The non-rebreathing mask is similar to the partial rebreathing mask except it has a series of one-way valves. One valve is placed between the bag and the mask to prevent exhaled air from returning to the bag. There should be a minimum flow of 10 L/min. The delivered FiO2 of this system is 7-10%. '''High flow oxygen delivery systems'''Hillegass E. Essentials of Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy. 3rd ed. Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. Missouri. 2011. deliver a prescribed gas mixture (either high or low) at flow rates that exceed patient demand. * '''Venturi Mask:''' the flowrate is at about FiO2 0.24 – 0.50 with variable LPM. Flow and corresponding FiO2 varies by manufacturer * '''If''' air-entrainment masks is available it can be used to accurately deliver preset oxygen concentration to the trachea up to 40% but the inspiratory flowrates is usually inadequate for adults in respiratory distress. * '''Aerosol masks, tracheostomy collars, T-tube adapters, and face tents''' can be used with high-flow supplemental oxygen systems but not all aerosol generators can deliver high oxygen concentration at the needed flows rate. {| width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" |- | {{#ev:youtube|https://https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nc2zl2SeQNo|400}} |{{#ev:youtube|https://https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZpmrTBIiD0 |400}} |}

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