


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:== " '功能' == [[File:Parallel bars.jpeg|右|无边框]]]胸大肌的功能有三层,并取决于涉及哪些肌肉头。*在原点固定的情况下,胸大肌内收,向内侧旋转,横向内收手臂[[盂肱关节|盂肱关节]]。*它帮助手臂屈曲(通过锁骨头)*它帮助手臂伸展(通过胸肋头)在肩关节处。*在肩锁和胸锁关节处压迫肩带。当插入物固定时,它可以帮助抬高胸部,如在强制吸气时。它被认为是灵感的辅助肌肉。*在拐杖行走或双杠运动中,它可以帮助支撑身体的重量。Standring, S. Gray解剖学:临床实践的解剖学基础。格雷解剖学系列第41版。爱思唯尔(2016)。 Image 5: In parallel bar work the pectorals major assists. ===Congenital Abnormalities=== [[File:Poland Syndrom.jpg|alt=Poland Syndrom| Poland Syndrom |right|frameless]]Congenital abnormalities of the pectoral muscle can be seen in Poland syndrome. This is characterized by the unilateral absence of the pectoralis major, usually occurring alongside ipsilateral symbrachydactyly and other malformations of the chest wall. Poland syndrome can on occasions co-exist with Moebius Syndrome (occurring in approx 15% of individuals with Moebius Syndrome[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/4351696/ Sugarman GI, Stark HH. Mobius syndrome with Poland's anomaly. J Med Genet. 1973;10(2):192-6]). Image 6: Poland Syndrome with absence of pectoralis major muscle.

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