


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:===最初的Romberg试验===试验方法如下:患者被要求脱下鞋子,双脚并拢站立。双臂靠近身体或交叉在身体前方。医生要求病人先睁开眼睛静静地站着,然后再闭上眼睛。病人试图保持身体平衡。为了安全起见,观察人员必须站得离病人很近,以防止病人摔倒时可能造成的伤害。当患者闭上眼睛时,他不应该通过光、感觉或声音来确定自己的方向,因为这可能会影响测试结果并导致假阳性结果。Romberg测试是通过计算患者能够闭着眼睛站立的秒数来评分的。*文献没有报道Romberg测试评分的替代方法。*为了使Romberg测试更加困难,临床医生可以尝试用扰动来扰乱患者的平衡。重要的是,临床医生不夸大干扰。 *A Romberg test can also be used as follow-up assessment for patients with balance and/or proprioception impairments by comparing several different assessments with each other. *If the clinician observes that the patient is able to stand for longer periods of time with the eyes closed, it is evident that the patient's balance and proprioceptive deficits have decreasedGoebel JA. Practical management of the dizzy patient. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2008.Johnson BG, et al. The sharpened Romberg test for assessing ataxia in mild acute mountain sickness. Wilderness Environ Med. 2005 Summer;16(2):62-6.Black FO, et al. Normal subject postural sway during the Romberg test. Am J Otolaryngol. 1982 Sep-Oct;3(5):309-18.Brinkman DMC, et al. Kwantificering en evaluatie van 5 neurologische evenwichtstests bij proefpersonen en patiënten. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 1996;140:2176-80.. *The Romberg test is positive when the patient is unable to maintain balance with their eyes closed. Losing balance can be defined as increased body sway, placing one foot in the direction of the fall, or even falling.

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