


{|摘要="引起头痛的病理条件"宽度="80%"细胞间距="1"细胞填充物="1"边界="1" |+
|- |硬膜下血肿|轻至重度、间歇性头痛;神经系统症状包括意识波动|- |蛛网膜下腔出血|突发性、严重、持续性头痛;BP升高;可意识改变|- |颅内压增高|轻至重度头痛;神经系统症状包括偏瘫、视力改变、呕吐和意识改变等脑干症状|- |脑膜炎、病毒和细菌感染|颈部辐射严重头痛;急性疾病和发烧;阳性[[克尼氏征|克尼氏征]]|- |脑脓肿|轻至重度头痛;局部或远处感染; fever may not be present; neurologic signs consistent with local site of infection |- | Central Nervous System | Localized headache and focal neurologic symptoms; [[Cranial Nerves|cranial nerve]] symptoms often seen |- | Central nervous system neoplasm | Localized headache and often focal neurologic symptoms; cranial nerve symptoms often seen |- | Toxicity | Generalized headache, pulsating; other signs of toxicity may be present |- | Sinusitis | Frontal or dull headache, usually worse in the morning; increased pain in cold damp air; nasal discharge |- | Otitis media, mastoiditis | Feeling of fullness in the ear, stabbing pains in the head, vertigo, and tinnitus |}

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