


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:==当前的动力链概念受到挑战== *有些练习更难划分为开放或封闭的动力链。爬楼梯机就是一个例子,因为每只脚都固定在一个踏板上,在运动过程中不断移动。骑自行车也是一样,即使它是一个封闭的系统,研究人员和临床医生也不把它归类为封闭的动力学链运动。 *在他的博客 [http://www.mikereinold.com/the-problem-with-the-kinetic-chain-concept/ The Problem with The Kinetic Chain]中,Mike Reinold从两个方面挑战了动力学链的概念。首先,并不是动力链上的所有环节都同等重要,所以更重要的是把它看作链式反应,而不仅仅是链式反应。“以臀部为例。臀部的任何紧绷、无力或不平衡都会对腰背部和膝盖产生很大的影响,而离臀部越远,对关节的影响就越小。”其次,动力链需要包括各个环节之间的结构(即[[Muscle|muscles]]、[[筋膜]]、[[Ligament| Ligament]]、[[肌腱解剖|肌腱]]等)。“一个关节不一定要影响另一个关节,肌肉也不一定要影响肌肉。所有这些结构都在一起工作和相互作用。 A great example of this is the [[Upper-Crossed Syndrome|upper body cross syndrome]]." 
*Butler and Major suggested that there should be a clear distinction made between joints with active neuromuscular control (e.g. sitting up straight without back support and the thighs and feet supported) versus those with control deficiencies (e.g. sitting with a collapse of the lumbar spine). The authors proposed new terminology: Controlled Closed Kinetic Chain (CCKC) and Controlled Open Kinetic Chain (COKC). CCKC = system of links forming a closed loop, continuously or for a moment where “a maximum of three of the articulations between links need not to be under active control”. COKC = continuous active control of all the articulations where one part of the chain “may be in contact with a support surface” (but is not a requirement). Butler PB, Major RE. The Missing Link?: Therapy issues of open and closed chains. Physiotherapy. 2003 Aug 31;89(8):465-70. Available from: (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/256824027_The_Missing_Link)

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