


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:==医疗管理==[[图片:腹腔镜阑尾切除术。jpg|腹腔镜手术使用较小的切口和特殊的手术工具。]图片来自:http://www.zadehsurgical.com/general-surgery-services-encino/appendicitis/|alt=|右|无框|387x387px]]阑尾炎是一种需要立即护理的医疗紧急情况。全国消化疾病信息交流中心(NDDIC)。阑尾炎。 阑尾炎最常见的治疗方法是阑尾切除术,一些患者术前接受抗生素治疗。早期手术切除可将死亡和发病风险降低至1%;1%。这些接受手术的患者预后通常良好,除非延迟准确诊断并发生穿孔。不良预后指标包括低血容量、腹膜炎和感染性休克。阑尾切除术可采用剖腹手术或腹腔镜手术。腹腔镜手术的并发症更少,比如医院相关的感染,而且恢复时间更短,惊吓更少。如果阑尾破裂,感染已经扩散到阑尾以外,或者存在脓肿,可能需要立即进行剖腹手术,清洁腹腔并切除阑尾。 If the infection is not treated peritonitis can develop. If the infection spreads to the blood it can lead to sepsis. Zadeh Surgical, Inc. Appendicitis. Available from: http://www.zadehsurgical.com/general-surgery-services-encino/appendicitis/ (accessed 22 March 2014). One or two days is usually spent in the hospital after an appendectomy. An alternative to surgery is antibiotic therapy. Studies that have compared the outcome of surgery to the outcome of antibiotics show that about 70 per cent of cases may resolve with antibiotic therapy and not require surgery. However, the factors leading to failure of antibiotic therapy are not known, so antibiotic therapy alone is usually reserved for patients too frail to undergo surgery.

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