


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:==治疗== LBD没有有效的治疗方法,病情是进行性的。现有的药理学药物仅用于治疗行为症状。*家居护理护士在定期评估病人及提供支援服务方面扮演重要角色。*对照顾者的教育是必要的,所爱的人需要意识到行为变化、幻觉和认知波动。护理人员必须密切监测患者,因为他们的功能水平很低,大多数患者无法进行adl,并且容易摔倒和吸入性肺炎。*药剂师需要教育护理人员,没有药物治疗可以治愈认知变化,药物只是控制行为和运动缺陷(许多有副作用)。*由于抑郁症很常见,所以经常需要心理健康护士。跨专业团队成员之间的密切沟通对于改善结果至关重要。 ===理疗管理=== [[File: eldery-people - do-balance -exercise.jpg|拇指|平衡训练]]路易体病的理疗与帕金森病类似。它可以通过提供干预,如力量训练、柔韧性训练和步态训练,帮助管理在LBD中普遍存在的帕金森病。 [[Aerobic Exercise|Aerobic]] exercise should be included to optimise [[Cardiovascular System|cardiovascular]] fitness.Lewy Body Dementia Association. What is LBD? Available from: https://www.lbda.org/category/3437/what-is-lbd.htm [Accessed May 5, 2017] Physiotherapy is especially helpful in improving [[balance]] and [[Postural Control|postural]] stability to minimize the risk of [[falls]]. With the addition of exercise, non-motor symptoms such as cognition, sleep and fatigue will improve. As the disease progresses and the dementia increases, exercise can be hard to do. Therefore, it is important to incorporate exercise in the early and middle stages of Lewy Body Disease. A studySondell A, Littbrand H, Holmberg H, Lindelöf N, Rosendahl E. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31781732 Is the Effect of a High-Intensity Functional Exercise Program on Functional Balance Influenced by Applicability and Motivation among Older People with Dementia in Nursing Homes?.] The journal of nutrition, health & aging. 2019 Dec 1;23(10):1011-20. suggests that a high-intensity functional exercise program has positive outcomes on balance in these patients.

Tips to help make exercise easier to maintain: *Provide visual cues by demonstrating exercises *Play upbeat music or music the person enjoys *Arrange exercise classes or include the support/care-person *Do exercises in sitting *Make exercise fun and enjoyable

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