


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:===按摩(抚摸)==双手有节奏地、连续地在客户的皮肤上移动,只在一个方向上,目的是增加该方向的血液流动,拉伸组织,放松客户,帮助废物的分散。effleurage这个词来源于法语,意思是“撇去”。它包括手在皮肤上滑动的抚摸动作,总是按摩过程中的第一项和最后一项技术(以及在其他技术之间使用)。根据病情的阶段和按摩的预期效果,可以用不同的节奏和压力来使用分泌物。====进行排尿====你应该使用手掌和手指的手掌表面的大面积,两只手同时使用或交替使用。在整个中风过程中,压力都是持续的,并且总是朝向心脏,以促进静脉回流。在回击时,双手应该保持轻微的接触,避免与向上击球的路径相同。动作的位置、速度和方向将根据技术的目的和被按摩的身体部位而变化。例如,长时间的抚摸动作可以用在腿和手臂上,而更圆的运动可能更适合背部和颈部。排便应该以一种平稳、有节奏和放松的方式进行,开始时轻触。 This should build up to deeper pressure with slower movements for increased circulation and stretching of the tissues at a later stage in the session. The hands should be relaxed and should follow the natural contours of the client's body. The technique should not be rushed, as you need time and quality of movement to determine any tissue abnormalities that require attention. Quick movements will not allow the client to relax and will certainly be more painful if any areas are tender. When passing your hands over any bony prominences, pressure should be eased, both since there is no therapeutic value of massaging over bone, and to reduce discomfort felt by the client. To complete any massage, use effleurage to relax the client, especially if intense/painful techniques have been used during the session. ==== Aims of Effleurage ==== *Introduce touch to the client *Put the client at ease *Warm the superficial tissues *Relax the muscles *Allow you to palpate and sense the condition of the tissue *Stimulate the peripheral nerves *Increase blood and lymph flow, thus aiding in the removal of waste products *Stretch tissues *Relax the client before the end of the session Not all of these aims may necessarily be accomplished in one session. Much depends on what the requirements of the client are. Lighter, brisk movements may be indicated is the client is about to participate in sport and needs to be stimulated and energized. The same techniques applies more slowly will be better employed after exercise to relax the client and aid in the removal of waste products. It is very important to achieve your aims using effleurage before moving onto other techniques, such as petrissage. If the muscles have not relaxed sufficiently, deep tissue massage may be uncomfortable and painful. The more pliable the superficial tissue is after effleurage, the more beneficial the deeper massage will be.

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