


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:==变量==虽然患有急性前庭外周病变的患者通常倾向于向问题的一侧移动,但已有研究表明,慢性前庭损伤(至少部分代偿)不会在标准Romberg试验中产生缺陷。同样,一个有本体感觉问题的人(附属于背侧肌)将无法闭上眼睛,双脚并拢站立。许多人认为,与最初的Romberg测试相比,改进后的Romberg测试是一个更好的前庭损伤指标。锐化的Romberg测试结果给出了姿势稳定性的客观测量。这有助于量化共济失调。受试者、性别和年龄在20 - 49岁的正常受试者之间没有统计学上的显著差异;只有睁开眼睛的Romberg锐化测试提供了显著的差异(p<0.05)。20岁以下和50岁以上的受试者也表现出更大的不稳定性。当比较一个年轻的和一个年老的队列时,表现有显著的差异。 Increasing the difficulty of the tandem Romberg test for patients is not helpful because it also makes the tests more difficult to perform for controls with no symptoms of vestibular disease. This would also make it harder to evaluate the test results. Decreased performance times on the modified Romberg is associated with a concomitant rise in the risk of fallingLongridge NS. Clinical Romberg testing does not detect vestibular disease. Otol Neurotol. 2010 Jul;31(5):803-6.Agrawal Y. The modified Romberg balance test: normative data in US adults. Otol Neurotol, 2011 Oct,32(8):1309–1311.

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