


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:有强有力的证据表明,有氧运动(HRR从40-50%提高到60-80%)每周进行20-40分钟,每次3-5天,对于轻度至中度中风患者,经过适当的筛查评估,认为运动具有较低的心血管风险的人,有利于增强有氧健身,步行速度和步行耐力。利用有氧运动改善中风患者的健康结果和生活质量:循证运动处方建议脑血管病2013;35(1): 7-22。< / ref >。纳入9篇文章(7篇rct)。运动强度为50% ~ 80%心率储备。运动时间20-40分钟,每周3-5天。纳入研究的受试者总数为480人。所有的研究都报告了对有氧能力的积极影响,无论中风恢复的阶段如何。有充分的证据表明,有氧运动有利于改善轻度和中度中风患者的有氧能力。 Aerobic exercise should be an important component of stroke rehabilitationMarco Y C Pang 1, Janice J Eng, Andrew S Dawson, Sif Gylfadóttir. The Use of Aerobic Exercise Training in Improving Aerobic Capacity in Individuals With Stroke: A Meta-Analysis. Clin Rehabil. 2006 Feb;20(2):97-111. '''C. Liebenson''' for back pain recommends Stability Training Variables # Intensity: submaximal, less than 50% of single repetition maximum (1RM) # Sets and repetitions: start with 1 set of approximately 6 repetitions # Progress to 1 set of 12 repetitions # Further progress after the reverse pyramid approach of add i ng a second set o f 8 repetitions,and then a third set of 4 reps # Hold times: emphasize endurance by holding for 1 to 2 breaths (6 to 1 0 seconds) # Form : movements should be performed slowly with appropriate form for motor control training and injury prevention # Frequency: daily or twice daily to im prove motor control # Duration: up to 3 months required to re-educate movement patterns in a patient with chronic pain # The variables in stability tra i n i ng include i n tensity,sets, repetitions, hold times, form, frequency, and durationLiebenson C. Rehabilitation of the Spine: A Practitioner's Manual Second Edition; LWW; Second edition, 2006. . '''Wernbom M,''' et all recommends dynamic external resistance training (e.g. weight-based resistance) for hypertrophy. [[File:Tablestrenghtraining.JPG|center|frame]] '''Principles of exercises''' for chronic non-inflammatory diseases and others look [https://www.academia.edu/36843773/ACSM_Guidelines_for_Exercise_Testing_and_Prescription_10th here]. For [[Cardiac Rehabilitation|cardiac]] and [[Pulmonary Rehabilitation|pulmonary rehabilitation]], there is an interprofessional requirement for Physical therapists, occupational therapists, and all levels of clinical involvement due to the acuity of patients involved. For individual [[Sport Injury Classification|sports injuries]], only physical therapists may be necessary to guide the patient through specific regimens. Incorporating [[Adherence to Home Exercise Programs|home exercises]] that are easy and safe to perform alone allows peripheral surveillance with minimal risk. A systematic review and meta-analysis published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine in 2020 found that exercise therapy was effective for reducing pain and improving physical function in people with knee [[osteoarthritis]]. The study also found that exercise therapy was safe and well-tolerated Lim WB, Al-Dadah O. Conservative treatment of knee osteoarthritis: A review of the literature. World Journal of Orthopedics. 2022 Mar 3;13(3):212.Raposo F, Ramos M, Lúcia Cruz A. Effects of exercise on knee osteoarthritis: A systematic review. Musculoskeletal care. 2021 Dec;19(4):399-435.. Another recent systematic review and meta-analysis published in the Journal of Physical Therapy Science in 2021 found that therapeutic exercise was effective for improving balance and reducing [//m.houseofhawgs.com/Falls_and_Exercise falls in older adults]. The study also found that exercise programs that included a combination of aerobic, resistance, and balance exercises were more effective than programs that only included one type of exercise Feng C, Adebero T, DePaul VG, Vafaei A, Norman KE, Auais M. A systematic review and meta-analysis of exercise interventions and use of exercise principles to reduce fear of falling in community-dwelling older adults. Physical Therapy. 2022 Jan;102(1):pzab236..

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