


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:==临床表现==[文件:正中神经域。gif|alt=|549x549px|图;右手感觉分布。< ref >灰色,亨利。《人体解剖学》。费城:Lea & Febiger出版社,1918;Bartleby.com, 2000。www.bartleby.com/107/。[打印日期]。|右|无架]]CTS的发病通常是渐进性的,伴有患手正中神经分布的刺痛或麻木。图3。Jesus Filho AG, do Nascimento BF。 Comparative study between physical examination, electroneuromyography and ultrasonography in diagnosing carpal tunnel syndrome. Revista Brasileira de Ortopedia (English Edition). 2014 September–October; 49(5): 446–451. Ashworth NL, MBChB. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Clinical Presentation [Internet]. 1994 [Updated 2014 Aug 25; cited 2015 March 20].fckLRAvailable from:fckLRhttp://emedicine.medscape.com/article/327330-clinical. Krom de M.C.T.F.M., MD, KnipschildP.G. Prof. Efficacy of provocative tests for diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome. The Lancet. 1990 Feb 17; Vol.335 Issue 8686: 393-395.
Patients may notice aggravation of symptoms with static gripping of objects such as a phone or steering wheel but also at night or early in the morning.   Many patients will report an improvement of symptoms following shaking or flicking of their hand. As the disorder progresses, the feeling of '''tingling or numbness''' may become constant and patients may complain of burning pain.
The final symptoms are weakness and atrophy of muscles of the thenar eminence. These combined effects of sensory deprivation and weakness may result in a complaint of clumsiness and loss of grip and pinch strength or dropping things,

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