


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:通常情况下,我们的免疫系统保护我们免受伤害。然而,在淋巴瘤中,它的元素转而反对我们,成为一种恶性力量。霍奇金淋巴瘤(Hodgkin’s lymphoma)的治疗方法一直在改善:治疗技术的进步意味着约85%的患者在确诊后至少能存活5年。对于其他形式的疾病。非霍奇金淋巴瘤,患者的前景更差。然而,研究正在加深我们对这类癌症所有形式的理解,并为更有效的治疗带来希望。疾病必须先诊断。液体活组织检查的出现,可以检测血液中循环的肿瘤DNA的小片段,这使得这项任务更加精确:循环的DNA可以表明肿瘤的大小和其背后的突变。*标准的、相当成功的淋巴瘤治疗方法是化疗和放疗。然而,这些疗法会导致一些人在以后的生活中出现心脏问题和其他形式的癌症。 An array of new treatments are being developed, guided in part by work with a strikingly good animal model of the human disease: dogs. * Researchers are developing a gene-modifying treatment called chimeric (see below) antigen receptor T-cell therapy, in which a person’s [[Immune System|immune system]] is altered to seek and destroy tumour cells. And drugs known as Bruton’s tyrosine kinase inhibitors are emerging: these block a molecule in the signalling pathway that turns some white blood cells cancerous. Work is also under way to make vaccines against lymphomas, and progress in treating graft-versus-host disease could open the door to more options for stem-cell therapyNature [https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-018-07359-0 Lymphoma] Available from:https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-018-07359-0 (last accessed 29.7.2020). NB Chimeric: Relating to a monoclonal antibody produced from the cells of an organism, usually a mouse, in which the constant region has been replaced with a human sequence of amino acids. This is done in the laboratory by replacing part of the DNA sequence in the nonhuman cells of an organism with a sequence of human DNA.

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