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(Added a video on the Rennes test. Hope this is okay for project participants of the VUB regarding project dates: Spring 2017 (end of the project and removal of exclusive VUB-editing. In june 2017 al pages will be re-opened for editing by all users))
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主考人站在前线of the patients knee and places the thumb on the laterale epicondyle of the envolved knee.
Patient can support his bodyweight on the envolved foot and flexed the knee as performing a squat.
The examinor maintains pressure with the thumb on lateral epicondyle. If pain is present with the knee in 30° flexion ilio tibial band syndrome is indicated.Carrie Ann Lucas, Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome as Exhibited in Athletes, Journal of Athletic Training, 1992, vol 27 n° 3, p 250-252Christopher Norris, Parallel use of acupuncture and physiotherapy in the treatment of Iliotibial Band Syndrome, AACP Journal, 2003, P20-25
主考人站在前线of the patients knee and places the thumb on the laterale epicondyle of the envolved knee.
Patient can support his bodyweight on the envolved foot and flexed the knee as performing a squat.
The examinor maintains pressure with the thumb on lateral epicondyle. If pain is present with the knee in 30° flexion ilio tibial band syndrome is indicated.Carrie Ann Lucas, Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome as Exhibited in Athletes, Journal of Athletic Training, 1992, vol 27 n° 3, p 250-252Christopher Norris, Parallel use of acupuncture and physiotherapy in the treatment of Iliotibial Band Syndrome, AACP Journal, 2003, P20-25
{{#ev:youtube|pKktA1bjQbc}}Physiotutors. Renne's Test | Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome ITBS. Available from:

== Evidence ==
== Evidence ==

Revision as of 12:57, 8 June 2018

Welcome toVrije Universiteit Brussel's Evidence-based Practice project.这个空间是由,我为学生n the Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy program of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium. Please do not edit unless you are involved in this project, but please come back in the near future to check out new information!!

Purpose[edit|edit source]

A test that indicates iliotibial band syndrome

Technique[edit|edit source]

主考人站在前线of the patients knee and places the thumb on the laterale epicondyle of the envolved knee.
Patient can support his bodyweight on the envolved foot and flexed the knee as performing a squat.
The examinor maintains pressure with the thumb on lateral epicondyle. If pain is present with the knee in 30° flexion ilio tibial band syndrome is indicated.[1][2]


Evidence[edit|edit source]

Provide the evidence for this technique here

Resources[edit|edit source]

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Recent Related Research (fromPubmed)[edit|edit source]

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References[edit|edit source]

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  1. Carrie Ann Lucas, Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome as Exhibited in Athletes, Journal of Athletic Training, 1992, vol 27 n° 3, p 250-252
  2. Christopher Norris, Parallel use of acupuncture and physiotherapy in the treatment of Iliotibial Band Syndrome, AACP Journal, 2003, P20-25
  3. Physiotutors. Renne's Test | Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome ITBS. Available from: