Rhizomelic Chondrodysplasia Punctata (RCDP)

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Welcome toPT 635 Pathophysiology of Complex Patient ProblemsThis is a wiki created by and for the students in the School of Physical Therapy at Bellarmine University in Louisville KY. Please do not edit unless you are involved in this project, but please come back in the near future to check out new information!!

Definition/Description[edit|edit source]

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Prevalence[edit|edit source]

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Characteristics/Clinical Presentation[edit|edit source]

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Associated Co-morbidities[edit|edit source]

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Medications[edit|edit source]

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Diagnostic Tests/Lab Tests/Lab Values[edit|edit source]

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Etiology/Causes[edit|edit source]

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系统性的参与[edit|edit source]

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Medical Management (current best evidence)[edit|edit source]

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Physical Therapy Management (current best evidence)[edit|edit source]

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Differential Diagnosis[edit|edit source]

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Case Reports/ Case Studies[edit|edit source]

添加链接的案例研究e (case studies should be added on new pages using thecase study template)

[edit|edit source]

add appropriate resources here

Recent Related Research (fromPubmed)[edit|edit source]

Extension:RSS -- Error: Not a valid URL: feed://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/erss.cgi?rss_guid=1ZSp7ZOQTWb6f6XZfjJLX3ikKFlodGNy682WOAATA-jM7L8kvW|charset=UTF-8|short|max=10

References[edit|edit source]

seeadding references tutorial.