Klapp Exercises

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Introduction:[edit|edit source]

Klapp’s method was developed in Germany in the beginning of the 20 century as a method for treating特发性脊柱侧凸. This concept was created by orthopedist Bernhard Klapp and soon after if was developed by his son Rudolf Klapp.

It was noticed that during crawling on all fours, at a certain moment the spine gets exposed to a mobilizing, exercising and corrective influence so he established and exercise programme where children with idiopathis scoliosis were treated on all fours position. The therapy of the idiopathic scoliosis with help of complex exercise on all fours became not only the most used therapy in Germany for treating scoliosis. but also as a prevention of wrong body posture by children in the school age and is slowly gaining momentum all over the world.

Klapp stated that the spine is responsible for protecting and maintaining the static and dynamic functions, the nerves and blood vessels. He emphasized that wrong posture leads to a muscle imbalance in the body leading to negative effects on the spine and leading to impairments of the same.

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Clinical Bottom Line[edit|edit source]

Recent Related Research[edit|edit source]

References[edit|edit source]