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Physiopedia is a UKregistered charityand relies on voluntary contributions to develop content, update content, provide free online courses and financially support free access to the this professional online resource. There are two main ways to contribute:

  1. Financial contributions
  2. 内容有限公司ntributions

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Financial Contributions[edit|edit source]

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Physiopedia content is created by volunteers from all over the world, your donation will help us to keep their work available for everyone to use. Physiopedia is a UK registered charity that uses your donation to keep the website up and running, enables content development projects and ensures that the site is kept free for everyone to use for ever!

Find out more about donating to the Physiopedia charity

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In return for financial contributions to the Physiopedia charity organisations will be recognised as sponsors and will be widely recognised in our promotional activities.

Find out more about becoming a Sponsor

Content Contributions[edit|edit source]

Physiopedia relies on the professional community to develop and maintain the Physiopedia content. Any physiotherapist or physical therapist can request an editing account and make a contribution to the content. We invite all physiotherapists and physical therapists around the world to take responsibility for reviewing and updating the content on the Physiopedia website to provide an online resource that our will educate and advocate for our profession.

You can sign up for an editing account here

Contributions can be made informally as an individual or formally as part of a structured process:

Individual Contributions[edit|edit source]

If you are a physiotherapist or physical therapist any where in the world you can make edits to the Physiopedia content. If you see something on the Physiopedia website that needs correcting or updating, from a simple spelling mistake to an outdated technique, we invite you to update it.

You could also join one of our content development projects where we guide you in the content that we are currently developing on the site.

Find out more about making individual contributions

Join the Volunteer Team[edit|edit source]

The volunteer team at Physiopedia is a team of enthusiastic physiotherapists and physical therapists who take part in a structured content contribution process. Being a volunteer is a great complement to any physiotherapist’s daily work and CV. Being a part of the Physiopedia team is fun at the same time as developing your professional knowledge and advancing your techie skills. Volunteering will contribute to your continuing education and professional development and you can know, and feel good about the fact, that you have contributed to our global profession by playing an important role in building this professional resource.

All our volunteers complete theVolunteer Orientation Courseafter which they are provided with roles that suit their individual qualifications, experience and interests.

Find out more about volunteering

Content Development Projects[edit|edit source]

Educators have been running courses and assignments for their students in Physiopedia since 2009. Universities and colleges that provide physiotherapy and physical therapy education are invited to get involved with their students to contribute content to the Physiopedia website as part of an educational programme. This involves creating a structured environment for students to contribute content to the site as part of their education.

Similar to educational projects, clinics and professional organisations are invited to engage their staff and members in contributing to the Physiopedia content as part of formalised continuing education and professional development projects.

Find out more about content development projects