TBI MOOC Pre-Course Activities

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Introduction[edit|edit source]

These pre-course activities will help to prepare you for taking part in the course. By completing them you will know that you are ready to participate in the course and have had access to all the pre-course information.

All the activities below must be completed before the course starts.

Joining Instructions[edit|edit source]

Just in case you didn't get the joining instructions by email,you can see them here.

Read the course information[edit|edit source]

Please make sure that you have thoroughly read through thecourse information pageas this will give you an understanding of the context of this course and what is expected of you during your participation in this course.

Course information

Watch the welcome videos from the ICRC course organisers[edit|edit source]

Claude Tardif is the head of Physical Rehabilitation Services and Barbara Rau is Physiotherapy Co-ordinator at ICRC.

Complete the pre-course competency tool[edit|edit source]

Competence is defined as “the possession of the necessary skills, knowledge, attitudes, understanding and experience...required to perform in professional and occupational roles to a satisfactory standard within the workplace” (Day 1995). The purpose of completing this self-rating form is to help guide your learning process during this course.

Completion of this competency tool is a requirement for completing the course!

Complete the competency tool

Once you have completed this competency tool set yourself some learning objectives for the course. These are your own personal learning objectives. Try tomake them SMART objectives.

Sign up to the discussion forum[edit|edit source]

Make sure that prior to the course, you have signed up to the course Discussion forum. This is where discussions will take place each week in relation to the topics of that week. You will need to be part of the forum so that you can contribute to the discussion.

Sign up to the Discussion Forum here

Participating in the discussion forum is a requirement for completing the courseas this is where a lot of learning takes place. Please contribute responsibly and professionally and adhere to our discussion forum rules:

  • Remember patient confidentiality! Do not disclose any information that enables us to identify your patients.
  • Be respectful and empathetic to those where English is not their first language.
  • Remain professional at all times.

The discussion forum is going to get very busy! Please do not try to read ALL the comments that are posted because if you do you will become completely overloaded. Here are our discussion forum tips:

  • What is most important is to make sure that you contribute to the forum with your thoughts, knowledge and questions so that others can also learn from you.
  • Make specific responses to people by typing in their name so that they will get alerted to any responses that they may get.
  • Spend the time that you have availabe reading some of the conversations that you find interesting and new.
  • Feel free to form small groups in which to have discussions.

所以让我们开始,之前的有限公司urse starts introduce yourself to each other. Post a short summary which tells us where you live, whether you are a physiotherapy student, clinician or other, how much experience you have with amputees and what you hope to get out of this course.

Add your discussion post here