Leading in Rehabilitation - Assess the Situation

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Introduction[edit|edit source]

A gap commonly exists between knowing about leadership to doing the leading. Bridging this gap can help persons in formal and informal leadership positions become capable and influential leaders in rehabilitation. A framework for this endeavour consists of four components: assessing the situation, selecting the leadership approach, implementing the leadership approach, and then reflecting on and learning from the experience. These four components will comprise the 4-course series on leadership in rehabilitation. The first step involves learning how to collect and understand the information in a situational assessment quickly. Then the effective leader must choose from multiple leadership styles, matching the approach to the situation. This matching approach is effectively situational leadership. Next, implementation of the selected leadership style requires the person to assess their emotional intelligence competencies and explore how to develop those skills not already in place. Finally, the effective leader should reflect on the process, learning from the experience and the potential influences of their emotional intelligence. This course will focus on the first step of assessing the situation.

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Resources[edit|edit source]

  • bulleted list
  • x


  1. numbered list
  2. x

References[edit|edit source]

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