Faces Pain Scale - Revised

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Objective[edit|edit source]

Assessment ofpainin children is particularly complex considering both subjectivity of the pain experience and the limits and variability of children's cognitive and social development[1]. The Faces Pain Scale – Revised (FPS-R) is a measure of pain intensity. It was adapted from the Faces Pain Scale[2]to make it possible to score the sensation of pain on the widely accepted 0-to-10 metric. The scale shows a close linear relationship withvisual analogue pain scales (VAS) across the age range of 4-16 years[3]. It is easy to administer.

Intended Population[edit|edit source]

Children older than 4 years old

Method of Use[edit|edit source]

According to the International Association For The Study Of Pain (IASP) it is a self-reported measure of pain intensity, that requires few equipment like the photocopied faces. The absence of smiles and tears in this scale is advantageous. It is particularly recommended for use with children older than 4. The clinician scores the chosen face 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, or 10, counting left to right, so "0" equals "No pain" and "10" equals "Very much pain." Make sure you do not use words like "happy" and '"sad." This scale is intended to measure how children feel inside, not how their face looks.

Evidence[edit|edit source]

Reliability[edit|edit source]

The indices of relative reliability showed a good agreement between the test and retest for the scale, 0.76 (95% CI 0.72-0.80).[4]

Validity[edit|edit source]

Pearson correlations between theVisual Analogue Scale (VAS)and FPS-R were found to be VAS/FPS-R:r= 0.78 at 60 minutes after medication administration, showing positive and strong correlations[4].

Responsiveness[edit|edit source]

The scale demonstrated a good responsiveness to change in a study[4]that assessed pain score pre and post analgesia administration. The mean pain scores pre-analgesia were SD = 1.82; median: 6.0; IQR: 4.0-6.0 and after analgesic administration the mean pain scores were SD = 2.31; median: 4.0; IQR: 2.0-6.0. The mean differences in pain scores were significantly lower 60 minutes after the administration of the medication (mean = −1.61, SD = 2.00,P< 0.0001) which suggests a high responsiveness of the scale to pain relief.

Links[edit|edit source]

You can download the tool here for free,International Association For The Study Of Pain

References[edit|edit source]

  1. Emmott AS, West N, Zhou G, Dunsmuir D, Montgomery CJ, Lauder GR, von Baeyer CL.Validity of Simplified Versus Standard Self-Report Measures of Pain Intensity in Preschool-Aged Children Undergoing Venipuncture. J Pain. May 2017;18(5):564-573.
  2. Garra G, Singer A, Taira B, Chohan J.Validation of the Wong-Baker FACES Pain Rating Scale in Pediatric Emergency Department Patients.Academic Emergency Medicine. 2010 Jan; 17 (1): 50-54
  3. Tsze DS, Hirschfeld G, Dayan PS, Bulloch B, von Baeyer CL.定义没有痛苦,轻微、中等和严重的疼痛Based on the Faces Pain Scale-Revised and Color Analog Scale in Children With Acute Pain. Pediatric Emergency Care. Aug 2018;34(8):537-544.
  4. May S, Ballard A, Khadra C, Gouin S; Plint, A; Villeneuve, E.Comparison of the psychometric properties of 3 pain scales used in the pediatric emergency department: Visual Analogue Scale, Faces Pain Scale-Revised, and Colour Analogue Scale. PAIN. 2018 Aug; 159(8): 1508-1517