Noble's test

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Definition/Description[edit|edit source]

The Noble’s test (Noble's Compression test) is a provocative test of the iliotibial band, developed by Clive Noble. It is commonly used as an indication foriliotibial band syndrome; however, no evidence-based research has been done yet to control the validity of this test. Other tests that could be used are the modifiedOber’s testand theRenne Creak test.[1][2][3]

Clinically Relevant Anatomy[edit|edit source]

Relevant anatomy related to the test is knowledge of the iliotibial band. It starts as theiliotibial tract, which is a thickening of the fascia lata, originating from the iliac crest. The iliotibial tract continues downward, laterally from the femur. At the greater trochanter, fibres of the tensor fascia lata muscle and gluteus maximus muscle inserts in the iliotibial tract. When approaching the knee joint, the iliotibial tract passes the lateral epicondyle of thefemurand splits into two structures: the iliopatellar band, and a distal extension inserting at the Gerdy tubercle (Figure 1).[4]

During walking and running, the Iliotibial band is subjected to frictional and compressive forces over the lateral epicondyle. Repetitive strain, improper footwear, lower extremity mal-alignments and muscle imbalance cause increased friction.[5]Iliotibial band (ITB) friction syndrome is an overuse injury common in runners, cyclists, weightlifters, skiers, and soccer players. It is characterized by pain over the lateral femoral epicondyle.

Purpose[edit|edit source]

The purpose of this test is to detect pain, abnormalities, tightness of the iliotibial tract, which can be indicative for the iliotibial band syndrome. It helps to differentiateiliotibial band syndrome其他常见的原因晚了ral knee pain.[2][4]

Technique[6][edit|edit source]

Procedure[edit|edit source]

The patient is supine or side-lying with the injured side up. Grasp just above the ankle and slowly bend the knee back and forth several times from 0-90° while palpating and applying firm pressure on the lateral epicondyle of the femur for crepitus with the thumb of the other hand.

Interpretation[edit|edit source]

明显的拍摄,摩擦或“吱吱响的hinge-like”crepitus or localized pain that increases with pressure at or above the epicondyle (often at 30° of flexion) indicates ITB syndrome.


Evidence[edit|edit source]

Reliability & Validity: Unknown[6]

Clinical Bottom Line[edit|edit source]

This test is indicative of iliotibial band syndrome, but again it must be stated that there have been no studies to indicate the validity of this test.[2][4]

References[edit|edit source]

  1. Kasunich NJ.Changes in low back pain in a long distance runner after stretching the iliotibial band.Journal of Chiropractic Medicine 2003; number 1, volume 2; 37-40. Level of Evidence: B
  2. CA.The Treatment of Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome. Brit. J. Sports Med 1979;13;51-54
  3. Rosenthal MD.Clinical Testing for Extra-Articular Lateral Knee Pain. A Modification and Combination of Traditional Tests. North American Journal of Sports Physical Therapy 2008; volume 3, number 2:107-109 LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: B
  4. J.Evidence Based Treatment for Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome: Review of Literature.Biomechanics August 2005
  5. SieunNarine-McKay J. Evaluation of outcomes in assessment of iliotibial band syndrome rehabilitation programs(Doctoral dissertation, University of British Columbia.)
  6. 6.06.1Knee Orthopaedic Test - A Strategic Approach to Assessing the Knee; University of Western States, College of Chiropractic, Clinic Protocol; Renne; Page No.34; Adopted 12/12. (accessed on 21.07.18 from Knee_Orthopedic_Tests.pdf)
  7. tNoble's Compression test. The student physical therapist. Available from