Wound Care Terminology

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Original Editor-Stacy Schiurring

Top Contributors-Stacy Schiurring

介绍[edit|edit source]

The terminology is listed in alphabetical order. This is a living document, terminology will be added as wound care/integumentary courses are created.

A[edit|edit source]

  • Antimicrobials:a group of agents and substances which reduce the possibility of infection and sepsis.[1]
  • Antibiotics:naturally derived from other microorganisms or synthetically created agents which are absorbed into the body for the purpose of killing or preventing bacterial multiplication. These substances can be given parenterally (intramuscularly, intravenously), orally, or applied topically to the skin.[1]
  • Antifungalsagents are agents that slow or halt the growth of fungi, including yeasts. These substances can be given intravenously, orally or topically.[1]
  • Antiseptics:chemical agents that slow or halt the growth of microorganisms on external body surfaces, including wounds, and aid in preventing infection.[2]这些物质是不污染的生活ssue and skin.[3]When applied to the skin antiseptics are not absorbed in a significant quantity into the body.[1]
  • Aseptic technique: utilises measures to prevent the transfer of microorganisms from a healthcare provider and/or the environment to the patient during a wound care procedure.[4]
  • Atrophie blanche: a chronic condition that presents as reoccurring, painful, ulcers of the lower leg, ankle, or dorsal foot which result in scar formation. The scars appear as white star-shaped scar radiating out from the healed ulcer. The term atrophie blanche is used to describe the result of the healed ulcer.[5]

B[edit|edit source]

  • Bioburden:包括所有的伤口microbio维度logy involved in the development of wound infection. This can include microbial load, microbial diversity, and the presence of pathogenic organisms.[6]
  • Biofilm: a microbial colony encased in a polysaccharide matrix attached to a wound surface. Biofilms can affect the healing of chronic wounds due to the production of destructive enzymes and toxins which can keep the wound in a chronic inflammatory state.[7]
  • Biopsy: the skilled removal of cells or tissues for the purpose to determine a diagnosis or infection.
  • Blanchable erythemia: redness of the skin which blanches (turns white when pressed with a fingertip) and then quickly returns to the original redness once the pressure is removed.
  • Burn wound: a wound caused by heat or due to radiation, radioactivity, electricity, friction or contact with chemicals.[8]

C[edit|edit source]

  • Callus: (also known ashyperkeratosis) an area of thickened skin caused by friction, pressure, or other physical or chemical irritation.[9]
  • Charcot footsyndrome: a serious limb-threatening lower-extremity complication of diabetes characterized by varying degrees of bone and joint disorganization due to underlying neuropathy, trauma, and changes in bone metabolism.[10]
  • Clean technique: utilises measures to reduce the numbers of microorganisms to minimize the risk of microorganism transmission from healthcare provider and/or the environment to the patient during a wound care procedure.[4]
  • Colonization: the presence of multiplying microorganisms on the surface of a wound which does not cause an immune response from the host.
  • Contamination: the beneign presence of bacteria within a wound without any host immune reaction.
  • Cyanotic: tissue which has become blue in colour due to lack of oxygenation.
  • Cytotoxic: the ability of a substance or process to damage cells and cause cell death, including the death of healthy cells and viable tissue in a wound bed.[11]

D[edit|edit source]

  • Debridement: the removal of nonviable tissue using sharp surgical instruments, mechanical (wiping), autolytic (breakdown by natural processes of the body), enzymatic (use of a topical agent) means.
  • Dehiscence: a partial or complete separation of approximated wound edges due to a failure of proper wound healing.[12]
  • Dependent rubor: an red discolouration of the limbs which occurs when in a gravity dependent position, most commonly associated with peripheral artery disease
  • Desiccation: tissue which has become dried out.
  • Disinfectants:destroy microorganisms on non-living objects or surfaces.[1]

E[edit|edit source]

  • Epithelial bridging: incomplete wound epithelialisation presenting as strands or patches of tissue which form 'bridges' across the wound bed secondary to infection.
  • Epithelial cells: the outer layer of cells which form the skin and line the alimentary canal. It is pink or red in colour and has the appearance of "new skin."
  • Erythemia: red colouration of the skin, often as a result of injury or irritation or infection.
  • Eschar: non-viable tissue that presents as dry, adhered to the wound bed, and has a spongy or leather-like appearance. It indicates deeper tissue damage and can be black, grey, or brown. It must be removed in order for healing to occur. Eschar is not synonymous with a scab.
  • Exudate: drainage from a wound. Types of exudate include:serous(thin, watery, and straw-coloured),sanguineous(bloody),serosanguineous(a mixture of serous and sanguineous),purulent(distinctively thick and yellow, grayish or green in colour), seropurulent(a mixture of serous and purulent), andautolytic(the result of the liquifaction of necrotic tissue and phagocytosis of bacteria, typically thick and milky-white to tan in colour).

F[edit|edit source]

  • Friable

G[edit|edit source]

  • Gaiter area
  • Granulation tissue: new growth of small blood vessels and connective tissue. It is soft and spongy, and may bleed when touched. Granulation tissue is usually pale pink initially, and then beefy red as it is vascularised.

H[edit|edit source]

  • Hemosiderin staining
  • Hemostasis
  • Hydrotherapy
  • Hypergranulation: an overgrowth of granulation tissue that rises above the level of the wound surface. It is irregular in shape and has large or swollen granules. Hypergranulation is typically due to maceration, infection, or friction on the wound bed. It must be removed for proper healing to occur.
  • Hypertrophic nails

I[edit|edit source]

  • Iatrogenic
  • Induration:abnormal firmness of tissue with margins and sometimes has an orange peel appearance
  • Infection
  • Ischaemia

J[edit|edit source]

K[edit|edit source]

L[edit|edit source]

  • Lab culture

M[edit|edit source]

  • Maceration:softening of tissue caused by excessive moisture. This tissue appears white due to a loss of pigmentation, and it is often soft and soggy.

N[edit|edit source]

  • Necrosis
  • Nonsterile
  • Non-viable tissue:necrotic or dead tissue within the wound bed. It must be removed for proper healing to occur and to decrease infection risk.

O[edit|edit source]

  • Oedema: a collection of fluid in an area of the body, it is a normal response seen in the inflammatory phase. Types include:pitting oedema(assessed by pressing your finger into the skin for five seconds and then releasing your finger, indention remains in place once pressure is removed) andnon-pitting oedema(stretched skin that is shiny and hard).
  • Onychomycosis

P[edit|edit source]

  • Periwound
  • Petechiae
  • Primary intention
  • Pseudo-Eschar
  • Purulent/purulence

Q[edit|edit source]

R[edit|edit source]

  • Re-epithelialization

S[edit|edit source]

  • Scab: a collection of dried blood cells, platelets, and serum on top of the skin surface. Wound healing occurs beneath the scab.
  • Secondary intention
  • Sepsis
  • Slough:non-viable subcutaneous tissue and by-products. It is usually yellow to tan in colour and can be mucousy or stringy, and is a result of the body breaking down dead cells and ranges from non-adherent to loosely adherent to tissue.
  • Sterile
  • Surfactant

T[edit|edit source]

  • Topic agents
  • Trophic changes:changes in skin texture, changes in nail beds, loss of hair, shiny skin

U[edit|edit source]

V[edit|edit source]

W[edit|edit source]

  • 伤口床
  • Wound border
  • Wound cleansing:removal of surface contaminants, loose debris, slough, softened necrosis, microbes and/or remnants of previous dressings from the wound surface and from the periwound skin.[13]
  • Wound margins

X[edit|edit source]

Y[edit|edit source]

Z[edit|edit source]

Resources[edit|edit source]

  • bulleted list
  • x


  1. numbered list
  2. x

References[edit|edit source]

  1. H, Thomas KS, Delamere FM, Barbarot S, Rogers NK, Williams HC.Antimicrobials including antibiotics, antiseptics and antifungal agents. InScoping systematic review of treatments for eczema2016 May. NIHR Journals Library.
  2. DermNet. Antiseptics. Available from:https://dermnetnz.org/topics/antiseptic(accessed 26 March 2023).
  3. Suzuki JB, Misch CE. Periodontal and maintenance complications. InMisch's Avoiding Complications in Oral Implantology 2018 Jan 1 (pp. 771-826). Mosby.
  4. 4.04.1Brigham and Woman's Hospital. Aseptic versus Clean Technique. Available from:https://www.brighamandwomens.org/assets/BWH/pediatric-newborn-medicine/pdfs/aseptic-technique.pdf(accessed 29/May/20123).
  5. StatPearls. Atrohpie blanche. Available from:https://www.statpearls.com/ArticleLibrary/viewarticle/417(accessed 29/May/2023).
  6. Gardner SE, Frantz RA.Wound bioburden and infection-related complications in diabetic foot ulcers. Biological research for nursing. 2008 Jul;10(1):44-53.
  7. Rajpaul K. Biofilm in wound care. British journal of community nursing. 2015 Mar 1;20(Sup3):S6-11.
  8. World Health Organization. Burns. Available from:https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/burns(accessed 29/May/2023).
  9. Britannica. Callus. Available from:https://www.britannica.com/science/callus-dermatology(accessed 29/May/2023).
  10. Rogers LC, Frykberg RG, Armstrong DG, Boulton AJ, Edmonds M, Van GH, Hartemann A, Game F, Jeffcoate W, Jirkovska A, Jude E.The Charcot foot in diabetes. Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association. 2011 Sep 1;101(5):437-46.
  11. Merwarth, D. Management of Burn Wounds Programme. Burn Wound Cleansing and Solutions. Physioplus. 2023.
  12. Rosen RD, Manna B.Wound dehiscence. InStatPearls [Internet] 2022 May 8. StatPearls Publishing.
  13. Hayek S, El Khatib A, Atiyeh B.Burn wound cleansing-a myth or a scientific practice. Annals of burns and fire disasters. 2010 Mar 3;23(1):19.