Posterior Cruciate Ligament Injury

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Search Strategy[edit|edit source]

For the first five items we googled to find out more about the subject. From this we only used the reliable sites, those which had references to scientific journal articles. We also checked some anatomy books. From then on Pubmed was the database we used the most to find scientific articles about the items 6 to 11. Our keywords consisted of “PCL injury” and the name of the discussed item. We only used the articles of which the full text was available.

Definition/Description[edit|edit source]

A posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) injury can appear in different forms and degrees. They are less common thananterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuriesbecause the PCL is much broader and much stronger. A PCL injury can be isolated or combined with other ligamentous injuries. The severity of the injury determines the treatment protocol. The severity can range from a stretch of the ligament to a total tear rupture of the ligament in the transverse direction. A rupture varies in degrees of disability, from no impairment to severe impairment[1].In a first degree PCL-injury the damage is limited, there are only microscopic tears. In a second degree there is a partial tear of the ligament and the patient will experience a small feeling of instability. In a third degree the ligament is completely torn.[2]In part 5, Characteristics, these criteria are discussed.

Clinically Relevant Anatomy[edit|edit source]

后交叉韧带(PCL)中找到the knee joint and runs from the internal surface of the medial femoral condyle[3]of the femur to the centre of the posterior aspect of the tibia plateau (area intercondylaris posterior), 1 cm below the articular surface of the tibia[4].It crosses the anterior cruciate ligament to form an 'X'. The PCL and the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) run in opposite direction to form an ‘X’.
The PCL is twice as thick as the ACL. This means that it is much stronger, which results in less injuries than the ACL. The PCL is twice as thick as the ACL, which means that it is much stronger. Therefore PCL injuries are less common than ACL injuries.
A posterior cruciate ligament PCL consists of two inseparable bundles: the wide[4]anterolateral bundle (AL) and the smaller posteromedial (PM) bundle.
The AL bundle is tighter most tight in knee flexion midflexion of the knee and inward rotation, while the PM bundle is tighter most tight in knee extension and deep flexion.[3][4]
The orientation of the fibers varies between bundles. The AL bundle is more horizontally orientated in extension and becomes more vertical as the knee is flexed beyond 30°. The PM bundle is vertically orientated in knee extension and becomes more horizontal through a similar range of motion.
The PCL is the major stabilizing ligament of the knee. and prevents the tibia from moving backwards too far. Its primary function is resisting the posterior displacement of the tibia in relation to the femur. Its secondary function is preventing hyperextension and limiting internal, adduction (varus rotation) and abduction (valgus rotation).[4]


Epidemiology /Etiology[edit|edit source]

最常见的PCL损伤机制是direct blow to the anterior aspect of the proximal tibia when the knee is flexed, resulting in posterior translation of the tibia platform. Hyperextension and rotational or varus/valgus stress mechanisms may also be responsible for PCL tears.[1][5]

This occurs mostly during sports, such as football, soccer and skiing. In the study of Fowler and Messieh[6], isolated PCL injuries were commonly reported in athletes and hyperflexion was the most frequent mechanism of injury.[5]

A PCL injury can also result from a car accident in which a posterior force is applied to the tibia when the flexed knee hits the dashboard ('Dashboard injury'). This can be combined with posterolateral ligament injuries if the anteromedial aspect of the knee strikes the dashboard with a varus force applied.[7]Also a bad landing from a jump, a simple misstep or fast changes of direction can result in a PCL injury.[8][5]

The study of Peterson et al. says the incidence of PCL injury in the United States is unknown. They did, however, find a 2% incidence of isolated, asymptomatic and unknown PCL injuries in National Football League predraft physical examinations. An incidence of 3,5-20% was reported for operated, isolated and combined PCL injuries.[1]

Characteristics/Clinical Presentation[edit|edit source]


PCL injuries present themselves in several degrees according to the severity.

Grade 1:The ligament has limited damage. There are only microscopic tears in the ligament. It is still able to fulfill its function and stabilize the knee joint even though it has been slightly streched[2]
2级:In contrast to grade I there is a small feeling of instability. The ligament is partially torn and becomes loose[2]
Grade 3:At this point the ligament is completely torn or removed from the bone. This type of injury is mostly accompanied by a sprain of the ACL and/or collateral ligaments.[2][1]

Clinical Presentation

A distinction can be made between the symptoms of an acute PCL injury and a chronic injury[9][10]

Acute PCL injury:
Clinical presentation of an acute PCL injury appears in different ways of which the extent depends on the severity of the injury.

In an isolated acute PCL injury the symptoms will often be vague and minimal[1][3][10], sometimes so that the person doesn’t notice or feel the sprain[10]This means there is minimal pain, swelling, instability and a full range of motion[3][10].Also a near-normal gait pattern can be observed[1]

In a PCL injury combined with other ligamentous injuries it is possible that the following symptoms appear in different extents: swelling[4][9], pain which can be experienced in the anterior and posterior part of the knee[4], a feeling of instability or looseness in the knee[4], limited range of motion[9], difficulty in walking and the knee may be bruised or lacerated.

Chronic PCL injury:
Patients with a chronic PCL injury may or may not have a history of injury[9].常见的投诉在慢性PCL损伤是discomfort in the knee during weight bearing in a semi flexed position (like as- and descending stairs or squatting) and aching in the knee when walking a long distance. There are also complaints about instability and a sense of instability when walking on an uneven surface[10].Retropatellar pain and pain in de medial compartment of the knee could occur as well[9][10].Potential swelling and stiffness depend on the degree of associated chondral damage[10]

Differential Diagnosis[edit|edit source]

Acute PCL injury:
The treatment used for an acute, isolated grade I or II sprain is most commonly non-operative.[7][1]The conditions for this treatment are: a posterior drawer less than 10 mm, a decrease in posterior drawer excursion with internal rotation on the femur, less than 5° abnormal rotary laxity and/or no significant increased valgus-varus laxity.[7][8]
It is usually adequate to relatively immobilize the knee and to use crutches during a two week period for protected weightbearing. Subsequently physical therapy, which mainly includes protective quadriceps muscle rehabilitation, will be a determining factor for further rehabilitation.[7][1]

A 3rd grade injury can also be cured in a non-operative manner. Because of the high probability of injuries to other posterolateral structures, an immobilization period of two to four weeks in full extension is recommended. Because of this the posterior tibial sag is minimalized, which means that less force is applied to the damaged PCL and posterolateral structures. Subsequently physical therapy will mainly consist of quadriceps rehabilitation and straight-leg raise exercises.

If the patient is a young athlete, they will sooner decide to treat the injury operatively. Thay way the athlete will be able to reach his level again. 

三级损伤是大部分时间的总和injury. In this case there will be a surgical intervention (reconstruction of the ligaments). 

Chronic PCL injury:
If the patient has a chronic isolated PCL injury grade I or II, the treatment comprises physical therapy. When the patient develops recurrent pain and swelling a bone scan is recommended. The results of this treatment are controversial. Wind et al[7]recommend surgical intervention when the scan is positive and the patient is unable to modify his activities. Harner et al[1]
 recommends a reduction in activities until the pain and swelling subside. They do not recommend a surgical intervention. Both articles recommend a surgical intervention in case of a grade III sprain.
A chronic PCL injury can also be a combined injury. Just as in the acute injuries surgery is indispensable.

Diagnostic Procedures[edit|edit source]

There are four different ways of imaging used to diagnose a PCL injury: radiographic imaging (Xrays), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), bone scans and ultrasound.[7][6](Diagnostic Imaging for Physical Therapists)

Radiographic imaging
Standard Xrays include antero-posterior image, tunnel view, sunrise view and a lateral view. This last one is to detect posterior sag and to measure the slope of the proximal tibia. The images are taken in different positions such as bilateral standing and 45° knee flexion weightbearing. 

If an Xray is taken in the early stage post-injury, it can help with the diagnosis of a PCL avulsion fracture. These fractures heal well when operated early. 
In case of a chronic PCL injury plain radiographs can help assess the joint space narrowing, preferably including weightbearing and sunrise view.[7][6]

Stress Xrays are used in addition to the standard radiographs. These images are taken while kneeling, during active hamstring contraction in 90° knee flexion and/or with an instrumented stress device. They allow a noninvasive and objective comparison of the sagittal translation between the injured and intact knee. They also eliminate errors from compliance of soft tissues by measuring skeletal displacement alone. Stress Xrays are superior to plain Xrays when it comes to assessing the magnitude of posterior tibial translation in the injured knee.[7][6]

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
核磁共振用于标识是否完整模型的眼泪te or incomplete and whether the PCL injury is isolated or other ligamentous, meniscal and/or cartilage structures in the knee are affected as well. Examples of these other injuries are meniscal tears (medial or lateral), osteochondral injury involving the anterior tibia plateau and anterior-lateral femur condyle and ligamentous injuries (ACL,MCL,LCL). The sensitivity and specificity of MRI in acute PCL injury is high.
In case of a chronic PCL tear, MRI scans may appear normal when grade I and II tears are present.[7]

Bone scans
These can be useful in the evaluation of patients with chronic PCL injury who experience pain and instability. The scans can show early arthritic changes before MRI or Xray. These patients have a higher risk of developing articular cartilage degenerative changes, shown by areas of increased radiotracer uptake, most commonly in the medial and patellofemoral compartments.[7][6]

Ultrasound imaging
According to Cho et al[7]ultrasound imaging can be used in the evaluation of suspected PCL injuries, as it is more cost effective than MRI. There are numerous limitations noted in the study and further research is necessary[6]

Finally a neurovascular examination is necessary, especially when the injuries are combined with damage to other structures. An arteriogram is used to evaluate the vascular status in the limb, pulses are to be documented and a motor/sensory examination must be done.[7]

Outcome Measures[edit|edit source]

Following instruments could be used to determine the baseline function of the patients knee. The comparison between the results before and after treatment determines the efficacy or progress of the specific given treatment.

K1-1000 arthrometer

Posterior laxity from the resting position and the active anterior translation starting from the resting period can be measured with the K1-1000 arthrometer.[8]Shelbourne et al[8]say there is no statistical relationship between the grade of laxity and the function.[8][6]The posterior drawer test, posterior Lachman test,posterior sag signen quadriceps active test are physical examination tests used to evaluate the posterior laxity.[5][6][2]

Boyer et al[3]their results of sensitivy and reproducibility demonstrated the reliability of the K1-1000 arthrometer. Ballantyne et al[4]said that the K1-1000 arthrometer has a good reliability, but that the interrater reliability is influenced by the experience of the of the therapist. They recommend that repeated measurements should be taken by the same examiners.

Cybex II dynamometer

Strength testing of the quadriceps muscle can be measured by the Cybex II dynamometer.[8][6]Shelbourne et al[8]confirm there’s no correlation between the grade of laxity and quadriceps muscle strength testing.
The study of Molczyk et al[9]shows intraobserver reliability coefficients of 0.89 to 0.98 for tester one and 0.72 to 0.97 for tester two. The interobserver reliability coefficients ranged from 0.69 tot 0.95 across speeds and movements. No evidence based articles with a higher level of evidence were found.

Subjective assessment

The two instruments above are objective measurements. Subjective assessment of the knee function is possible with the Noyes knee score Questionnaire and International Knee Documentation Committee (IKDC). Shelbourne et al[7]claim that subjective scores of patients with acute, isolated PCL injuries were independent of grade of PCL laxity and mean scores did not decrease with time from injury.[7]
Noyes et al their results showed a high test-retest reliability of the items of the Noyes knee score Questionnaire (ICC coefficients >0.70)[10].According to Higgins et al the IKDC is a reliable instrument[8].

Examination[edit|edit source]

Examination is important to ascertain the grade of injury to determine which treatment should be used.[5]There are two general manners to identify a posterior cruciate ligament injury: physical examination, which is mainly performed by physical therapists and radiological evaluation, which is performed by radiologists.

Physical examination:

Theposterior drawer test(PDT)is one of the most accurate tests for PCL injury.[5][1]The sensitivity for this test is high, whereas the specificity is low.[3]The test can only be executed when there is no swelling in the knee joint.[5]



In normal conditions the medial tibial plateau is approximately one cm anterior to the adjacent medial femoral condyle.[1]The hip is placed in 45° flexion, the knee in 90° flexion and the tibia in 15° external rotation. The foot position is fixed while the examiner pushes the tibia posteriorly to the femur with his thumbs near the anteromedial and anterolateral joint line.[5]
If the examiner cannot palpate this one cm step-off or if the end point is soft when pushing the tibia posteriorly, a PCL injury is suspected.[1]With this test a differentiation between the grades can be made.[1]More than 10 mm posterior translation can indicate a posterolateral ligament complex (PLC) injury.[5][1]

When there is an acute PCL injury, it is not always possible to execute the PDT because of the swelling. In this casethe posterior Lachman testis a good alternative, because only 30° knee flexion is required.;[5][3]


The patient’s knee is flexed in 30° with the tibia in a neutral position. In a deficient knee a posterior sag of the tibia could already be noticed at the beginning of the test. Next the examiner exerts a posteriorly directed force on the tibia.[5]
ResultsA slight increase in posterior translation with the knee at 30° but not at 90° indicates a PLC injury. Whereas increased translation at both position indicates a PCL injury.[5]
Theposterior sag signis the most sensitive physical examination test.[3]


The knee is flexed in 90° and the foot is resting on the examination table.[5][1]When the PCL is torn, the examiner can see a “sagging” of the tibia.
Thequadriceps active testhas a high specificity compared to other evaluation tests.[3]


The knee is flexed in 90° and the foot is resting on the examination table (same starting position as the posterior sag sign). The examiner stabilizes the foot and then asks the patient to slide that foot down the examination table.[1]

Because of the contraction of the quadriceps muscle group, the examiner observes a reduction of the posteriorly subluxated tibia.[1]This test is easier to interpret in higher-grade and chronic PCL injuries.[5][1]

Thedial testor tibial external rotation test


The patient lies on his back with both knees flexed in 30° and next in 90° to differentiate PCL from PLC injury. The examiner places both hands on the feet and applied a maximal external rotation force.[5]
The test is positive if the medial border of the foot (thigh-foot angle) or the tibial tubercle externally rotates 10°-15° more than the not affected side.
If this occurs in 30° knee flexion but not in 90°, the diagnosis is an isolated PLC injury with an intact PCL. If it occurs at both 30° and 90° a combination of PCL and PLC injury is suggested.[5][5][1]

All tests above are used to detect a PCL injury. Other test exist to evaluate global functions of the knee that could also be damaged in a PCL injury. Examples are the varus/valgus test at 0° and 30° knee flexion, the external rotation recurvatum test[5][5][3]te和反向旋转转变t.[5][5][1][3]
Apart from these tests, it is also important to evaluate the gait for instability. An indication for instability could be a varus thruststand.[5][1]Static weightbearing alignment should also be checked, because there can be a varus malalignment when the patient has a PCL injury.[5][1]

Medical Management
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Non-operative treatment

Non-operative management, used in acute isolated grade I or II PCL injuries, includes protective weightbearing with crutches. The focus of the rehabilitation lies on reducing knee joint effusion, restoring knee range of motion and regaining strength, especially of the quadriceps muscle group. This is necessary because of the two week period of relative immobilization of the knee that is recommended by physicians.

Grade I and II PCL tears usually recover rapidly. Most patients are satisfied with the outcome.

In case of athletes the goal is to return to their sport activities in two to four weeks after the injury.[7][6](level of evidence 3A)

Grade III tears can also be treated non-operatively. These patients are usually immobilized for two to four weeks in full extension, because often the PLC or posterior medial complex (PMC) is also injured. The full extension eliminates the posterior subluxation caused by the hamstrings and allows the injured soft tissue structures to heal. Patients that continue to have pain and do not progress well enough will need surgical intervention. Non-operatively manage grade III tears delay the return to sport for three to four months.[7][6]

Chronic PCL injuries can be adequately treated with physical therapy. A brace is used during this treatment. Initially the brace prevents the terminal 15° of extension. After a while the brace is opened to full extension. But Wind et al[9] do not think the brace prevents posterior tibial motion.[7]

There are contradictory opinions about the effect of a knee brace. Bracing of the PCL injured knee is directed toward improvements in dynamic knee stability and prevention of posterior tibial translation during activity. The study of Jacobi et al(1) to determine the effectiveness of bracing a PCL injured knee concluded that after wearing the brace for four months there was a decreased posterior sag after two years. However, this study failed to include a control group and therefore they could not conclude that the decrease was the result of the brace.[5]Fanelli et al[6]did not find a helpful effects of wearing braces on the rehabilitation of PCL injuries.[6]

If the patients report symptoms like pain and recurrent swelling and the Xrays show negative results, Wind et al[7]recommend a bone scan and MRI. If the bone scan has a positive result in patients with grade I or II tears, who can’t modify their activities, or patients with a grade III tear, a surgical intervention is recommended.[7][6]

Operative treatment

Surgical reconstruction of the PCL is recommended in acute injuries with severe posterior tibia subluxation and instability, if the posterior translation is greater than 10mm or if there are multiple ligamentous injuries.

If there are other ligaments damaged as well, surgery is often performed within two weeks after the injury. This gives the best anatomical ligament repair of the PCL and gives less capsular scarring. The PCL reconstruction is often not the first surgery performed. It is secondary to repairing the other injured structures, such as the PLC or PMC, because this forms less scar tissue. The PLC scars quickly, which makes anatomical repair difficult if the reconstruction is delayed for more than three weeks following injury.

The primary objective during a PCL reconstruction is to restore normal knee mechanics and dynamic knee stability.[7][6]
There are different options of the optimal surgical approach for a PCL reconstruction. Debate exists about the best graft type or source, placement of the tibia, femoral tunnels, number of graft bundles and the amount of tension on the bundles.[6]

Graft sources can be allograft (mostly Achilles tendon) or autologous tissue (Bone-patellar tendon-bone, quadrupled hamstring or quadriceps tendon).[6]

最常见的自体移植是bone-patellar tendon-bone, because the bone plugs allow sufficient fixation of the tissue. The disadvantages of this graft are the harvest site morbidity and because the graft has a rectangular form, the tunnels can’t be completely filled with collagen. Using the hamstring graft decreases the morbidity factor, but results in an inferior fixation method. The quadriceps tendon graft also has morbidity and has adequate biomechanical properties.

Allografts provide a decreased surgical time and the absence of iatrogenic trauma to the harvest site. The Achilles tendon graft produces a large amount of collagen. This ensures a complete filling of the tunnels.[6]

When using a double bundle graft, the two bundles of the PCL, the anterolateral and posteromedial bundle, can be reconstructed. A single bundle graft reconstructs only the stronger anterolateral bundle. The double bundle approach can restore normal knee kinematics with a full range of motion, the single bundle restores the 0° to 60° knee flexion.[7]

The tibial inlay procedure starts with a diagnostic arthroscopy, but the inlay itself is an open surgery. The femoral tunnels are established with an outside-in technique to closely duplicate the femoral insertion of the PCL-meniscofemoral ligament complex. The graft is prepared during the exposure. Then it is placed in the graft passer and passed through the femoral tunnel, tensioned and screwed to the bone.

After the surgery, the patients have to wear a brace, locked in full extension. After four weeks, the brace is unlocked. A second brace is fitted after four to six weeks. This is a PCL functional brace. At the same time the crutches are discontinued. This approach is shown to be safe, with respect to the popliteal artery.[7][6]

The tibial tunnel method is an arthroscopically approach. A guide pin is drilled from a point just distal and medial to the tibial tubercle and aimed at the distal and lateral aspect of the PCL footprint. The femoral tunnel should be placed just under the subchondral bone, to reduce the risk of osteonecrosis. The direction of the graft passage depends on the type of graft used. The tibial inlay procedure avoids this difficult part. The graft is placed in 70° to 90° flexion. In the single bundle reconstruction only 1 tunnel is drilled. In a double-bundle reconstruction two tunnels are drilled, which is technically more challenging.[7][6]

通常使用异体跟腱reconstruct the AL bundle and a double semitendinosus tendon autograft is used for the PM bundle reconstruction. The AL graft is tensioned and fixed at 90° flexion and the PM graft at 30°.[7]

The primary goal of the reconstruction is to correct the posterior tibial laxity.[6]

Possible complications after or during a PCL reconstruction are fracture, injury of the popliteal artery, deep vein thrombosis, residual laxity and smaller range of motion.[6]Residual laxity can be caused by an undiagnosed non-isolated PCL injury.

Range of motion problems can be caused by improper placement of the graft or too much tension. It can be treated with physical therapy or manipulation under anesthesia.[6]

Physical Therapy Management
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Non-operative management

According to the study of Rosenthal et al.[5]isolated PCL injuries of all degrees can be managed without surgical interventions[5], whereas Fanelli et al. only treat grade I or II PCL injuries in their practice without surgical intervention.[38] Goals for rehabilitation include reducing pain and inflammation, reducing knee joint effusion, restoring range of motion, early weightbearing and regaining strength, especially of the quadriceps muscle group.[5][6]Strengthening the quadriceps is a key factor in a successful recovery, because the quadriceps can take the place of the PCL to a certain extent, helping to prevent the femur from moving too far forward over the tibia.

The focus of rehabilitation can lie on the quadriceps muscle group, or on the whole lower extremity, where the hamstrings muscle group is also involved.. In both manners, the eccentric strengthening of the muscle group(s) should be included in PCL rehabilitation.[5][6]

Herefore, closed chain excercises are recommended for grade I and II PCL injuries. They do not only increase muscle strength, but also have a positive effect on balance, proprioception and coordination. Once the strength and endurance has been regained and the neuromuscular control has been increased, the patient can move on to an agility based program.[5]

Grade I and II PCL injuries have a rather rapid recovery and patients should be able to get back to sports within two to four weeks of injury. Grade III PCL injuries recover much slower and, depending on the sport, patients are usually able to return to sport after three months.[5]

Patients with a grade III PCL tear are usually immobilized in full extension for the initial two to four weeks. This eliminates posterior subluxation caused by the hamstrings, which causes the injury to remain isolated and therefore can be managed without surgical intervention.[5]

Physical therapy starts with basic quadriceps setting and straight les raises. At two to four weeks, active assistive motion can begin along with advancing to weight bearing within the pain limit. The focus in this therapy lies mainly on quadriceps based excercises to promote dynamic stabilization and hereby counteract posterior tibial subluxation. Flexion past 70° and isolated hamstring strengthening are initially avoided. The therapy evolves from closed chain excercises (CKC) to addition of eccentric open kinetic chain (OKC) excercises and eventually functional excercises such as biking, leg press, elliptical excercises and stair climbing.[5][6]

Patients that are not able to progress to this functional level of excercises and continue to have pain may need surgical intervention.[5]

Post-operative rehabilitation

Post-operative rehabilitation typically spans six to nine months. The duration of each of the five phases and the total duration of the rehabilitation depends on the age and physical level of the patient and on the success of the operation The rehabilitation starts with focussing on protecting the PCL-graft by placing the knee in a hinged ROM knee brace locked in extension during the first few post-operative weeks. The brace may only be unlocked while sitting or while performing ROM and strengthening excercises. 

In the immediate post-operative phase, passive knee flexion and active knee extension are encouraged from 0° to 90°. Isometric quadriceps excercises, straight leg raises (SLR) and hamstrings stretching excercises can herefore be performed. These excercises are typically repeated three to four times a day, each series consisting of 10 to 25 repetitions.[5][6]

Knee effusion should be closely monitored, since it significantly contributes to muscle atrophy and inhibition. The primary modality to manage this effusion is the RICE-method: Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. The ice should be applicated 10 to 20 minutes every two to four hours, along with elevation and compression. (this is a standard procedure, but is not based on scientific evidence; Level of evidence:5) To restore ROM and prevent arthrofibrosis, patella mobilizations should be performed in all directions during the early phases of rehabilitation.[5][6]

In the next phase – the maximum protection phase – ROM should progress from 0° tot 120° and weightbearing should progress from weightbearing as tolerable (WBAT) with crutches to full weight bearing without crutches. The following criteria should be met to discontinue crutches: good quadriceps control, no extension lag during a SLR excercise, full ROM in extension, ability to do single leg stance without pain of unsteadiness and a non-antalgic gait. In this phase it is also important to normalize gait, especially the loading and stance phases with quadriceps activation. In this maximum protection phase OKC knee extension excercises (range 0° to 70°) and CKC weight bearing excercises (range 0° to 45°) are performed. These early closed kinetic chain excercises can include squatting, bilateral and unilateral leg press. Once knee flexion is greater than 100°, the patient can ride the stationary bike. Pool therapy, SLR excercises using resistance of max. 10% of the bodyweight and leg presses and mini-squats (0° to 45° knee flexion) can be incorporated as additional strengthening excercices. Leg presses and mini-squats can be progressed form double to single limb support. The rice-method should also be continued during this second phase.[5]

In phase three – the controlled ambulation phase – CKC excercises are progressed from bilateral to unilateral within a knee flexion range of 45° to 60°. Excercises such as wall squatting, single leg squats and lunges, progressed by adding resistance, increase ROM. The knee brace should be discontinued in the first half of this phase. Other excercises including balance and proprioceptive drills, forward and lateral step-ups, chair climbing, treadmill walking and pool jogging are performed during this phase. Resisted knee flexion excercises should only be performed at the end of the phase, because of the great shear force on the PCL during this movement.[5]

During the fourth phase – the light activity phase – a progression is made from walking to running and light agility drills are added to the program. These drills include line hops, bounding and ladder drills. The progression from walking to jogging can be made once following criteria are met: normal gait, knee ROM range from 0° to 120°, no joint effusion, ability to do single leg hops without pain and walking tolerance of minimum 25 minutes. During this phase, ROM, speed, resistance and/or volume or duration of the excercises should be increased. Knee and hip strengthening excercises should be continued and other excercises should be added, such as OKC quadriceps excercises (range 90° to 0°), OKC hamstring excercises (range 0° to 45°) and CKC squatting and lunging (range 0° to 75°). Swimming and agility drills in water are initiated and continued throughout this phase. Before the patient can return to sports (phase five), he/she should be able to perform a hop test with an outcome of minimum 80% compared to the unaffected limb.[5]

康复的最后阶段——回归port phase – increases strengthening excercises and neuromuscular control demands. Examples of excercises during this phase are multi-directional lunges, single leg stance with perturbation, running, change of direction drills and bench or box jumps. Sport specific activities in this phase incorporate movements in the sagittal, frontal and transverse planes. CKC excercises advance into the range of 0° to 90° and OKC hamstring excercises are now performed in the range of 0° to 60°. High impact activities can be performed in this phase, two to four times a week. To determine whether the patient is able to return to sport, therapists prefer hop testing. The outcome of this test should be minimum 90% compared to the unaffected limb. During this test, the jumping and landing of the patient should be observed to avoid hyperextension and varus or valgus angulation.[5]

When the physical therapy sessions are over, patients should be aware of the importance of the home excercise program they should keep following.. During their sport activities, patients may use a functional knee brace to increase proprioception and facilitate normal knee mechanics during running and pivoting activities. However, the effect of such a brace has not been scientifically proven.[5]

Key Research[edit|edit source]

  1. Shelbourne KD, Davis TJ, Patel DV. The natural history of acute, isolated, nonoperatively treated posterior cruciate ligament injuries: A prospective study. The American Journal of Sports Medicine. 1999;27(3): 276-283.
Level of evidence: 2B
  2. Shelbourne KD, Muthukaruppan Y. Subjective results of nonoperatively treated, acute, isolated posterior cruciate ligament injuries. Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic & Related Surgery. 2005 April;21(4):457–461.
Level of evidence: 1B
  3. Fanelli GC, Boyd JL, Heckler MW. How I Manage Posterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries. Operative Techniques in Sports Medicine. 2009; 17:175-193
Level of evidence: 2C

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  • Chandrasekaran S, Ma D, Scarvell JM, Woods KR, Smith PN. A review of the anatomical, biomechanical and kinematic findings of posterior cruciate ligament injury with respect to non-operative management. The Knee. 2012 Dec;19(6):738-745.
  • Harner CD, Höher J. Evaluation and treatment of Posterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries. The American Journal Of Sports Medicine. 1998 May; 26(3): 471-482.
  • Malone AA, Dowd GSE, Saifuddin A. Injuries of the posterior cruciate ligament and posterolateral corner of the knee. Injury, Int. J. Care Injured. 2006, 37: 485-501.
  • Lubowitz JH, Bernardini BJ, Reid JB. Current concepts review: comprehensive physical examination for instability of the knee. The American Journal of Sports Medicine. 2008 Mar;36(3):577-594.
  • Wind WM, Bergfeld JA, Parker RD. Evaluation and Treatment of Posterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries Revisited. The American Journal of Sports Medicine. 2004, 32(7): 1765-1775.

Clinical Bottom Line[edit|edit source]

PCL injuries do not occur frequently. The reasons for this are the strenght of the ligament and the fact that hyperflexion, possible through a force to the anterior aspect of the proximal tibia, does not commonly occur. Hyperflexion is, however, one of the possible causes for a PCL injury. Therefore such an injury will mostly happen during sports, such as football, soccer and skiing. Another cause can be a car accident, resulting in a 'dashboard injury'. The severity is divided in three degrees and an acute injury is distinguished from a chronic injury. Clinical presentation will depend on the degree and the condition of the injury. If symptoms are observable, these usually include swelling, pain, feeling of instability, limited range of motion and difficulty in walking. The treatment depends on the grade and the individual patient. A grade I and II injury are usually treated non-surgically. A grade III injury is usually treated by a surgical intervention, however non-surgical treatment is also possible. Physical therapy depends on whether there has been an operation or not. Both rehabilitation programs focus on the quadriceps muscle group, because of its ability to partially take over the function of the PCL. The structure and the build-up of the rehabilitation program depends on the degree of the injury, the individual patient and the succes of the operation in case this was necessary.

Recent Related Research (from Pubmed)[edit|edit source]

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References[edit|edit source]

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  12. Physiotutors. Reverse Lachman Test | Posterior Cruciate Ligament Tear. Available from:
  13. Physiotutors. Posterior Sag Sign | Posterior Cruciate Ligament Tear. Available from:
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  15. Physiotutors. ial Test | Posterolateral Rotatory Instability of the Knee. Available from:
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