Medication and Falls

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Introduction[edit|edit source]

Older adults,aged65 years and older are commonly prone for falls leading to injuries.Falls看作是一个提高公共卫生问题吗lem in an aging populations worldwide. The highest prevalence of falls are observed in an older population associated with increase in morbidity and mortality rate. There can be numerous risk factors leading to falls includes age, gender, diseases, drugs, environmental factors, vision,balanceetc.[1]

Medication and Falls[edit|edit source]

Pill banner.png

It is important to focus on the medications an elderly client is taking as they may be significant falls risks.

  • Medications are among the most common causes of increased fall risk in older people.
  • Medications are usually among the easiest risk factors to change, when it comes to falls in older adults.
  • Medication-based risks are often missed by busy regular doctors. Older adults and family caregivers and physiotherapists can help by being proactive in this area.[2]

What is Polypharmacy?[edit|edit source]

Polypharmacy is typically defined asthe use of more than 3 or 4 medications[3][4]. Take a moment and think of the number of patients you have that are taking more than 3 medications. Thought also needs to be spent on whichtypeof medications the patient is taking as differentclassof drug influence the risk of falls differently.

2017年的一项研究报告说,近三分之一的total population using five or more drugs had a significantly increased rate of falls (21%) over a 2-year period. It concluded that exploration of the effects of these complex drug combinations in the real world with a detailed standardised assessment of polypharmacy is greatly required.[5]

Medications Associated with Increased Risk of Falls[edit|edit source]

As physiotherapists it is important to be aware of which medications can impact on our patients safety, medication is obviously not within a physiotherapist job role specifically however knowing what the potential impact of some medications can be very valuable. Additionally it is important to know about the medications if you work in a triage role. If you are concerned about the type or number of medications a patient is taking then spend time referring to you medical colleagues in the clinic, writing to their GP or discussing at and MDT meeting.

In common language the three types of drugs that can increase falls risks are

  • Medications that affect the brain
  • Medications that affect blood pressure
  • Medications that lower blood sugar.[6]

In more specific terms two main classes of drugs increasing the risk of falls are

  • Psychotropic drugs
  • Drugs acting on the heart and circulation. These are outlined below.

Note- Diabetic drugs lower blood sugar. Most diabetes medications can cause or worsen hypoglycemia (too low blood sugar). This has been identified as a falls risk. They are not included below.

Psychotropic Drugs[edit|edit source]

Psychotropic Drugs and Falls Risk[7]
Medication Group Overall Risk Category Commonly Used Medications Effects on Risk


Can cause falls alone

Lorazepam, Temazepam, Nitrazepam


Drowsiness, slows reactions, impaired balance.
Sedating Antidepressants Amitriptyline, Nortriptyline Orthostatic hypotension, drowsiness, slow reactions.DOUBLE THE RATE OF FALLS
Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors Phenelzine, Moclobemide Severe orthostatic hypotension
For Psychosis Agitation Haloperidol, Chlorpromazine, Olanzapine Orthostatic hypotension, slow reflexes, loss of balance
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI) and Serotonin and Noradrenaline Reuptake Inhibitor )SNRI)


Can cause falls in combination

Fluoxetine, Sertaline, Paroxetine, Venlafaxine, Duloetine Increased risk of falls with fractures, orthostatic hypotension, bradycardia, impaired sleep quality
Opiate Analegsics


Can cause falls alone

Codeine, Morphine, Tramadol Sedates, slows reactions, impairs balance, delirium
Anti Epileptics HIGH RISK Phenytoin, Carbamazepine, Phenobarbitone Cerebellar damage, ataxia, slowed reactions
MODERATE RISK Sodium Valporate, Gabapentin Some association with falls risk
Parkinson's - Dopamine Agonists HIGH RISK Roprinerole, Pramipexole Delirium, orthostatic hypotension
Parkinson's - MAOI-B Inhibitors Selegiline Orthostatic hypotension (Difficult to assess due to high falls risk in Parkinson's as the disease process)
Muscle Relaxant MODERATE RISK Baclofen Reduced muscle tone, sedative
Vestibular Sedative POSSIBLE CAUSES Prochlorperazine, Cinnarazine, Betahistine Prochlor... - Dopamine agonist which may cause movement disorder in long term, sedating
Anticholinergics acting on Bladder Oxybutinin, Solifenacin, Tolterodine, Solifenacin Known CNS effects.

Drugs Actings on the Heart and Circulation[edit|edit source]

Drugs Acting on the heart and Circulation[7]
Medication Group Overall Risk Category Commonly Used Medications Effect of Risk
Alpha Receptor blockers HIGH RISK Doxasozin, Tamsulosin, Indoramin Severe orthostatic hypotension, urinary retention
Centreally Acting Alpha-2-Receptor Agonsits Clonidine, Moxonidine Severe orthostatic hypotension, sedating
Thiazide Diuretics Bendroflumethiazide, Metolazone Weakness due to low potassium, hyponatraemia, orthostatic hypotension
Loop Diuretic MODERATE RISK Furosemide, Bumetanide 脱水,hypotension, low potassium and sodium
Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors (ACEIs) HIGH RISK Lisinopril, Ramipril -opril Rely upon kidney elimination and accumulate can cause failure, dehydration.
Angiotensin Receptor Blockers (ARBs) MODERATE RISK Losartan or similar -tan Hypotension
Beta Blockers HIGH RISK Atenolol, Propranolol, Sotalol Bradycardia, hypotension, carotid sinus hypersensitivity, vasovagal syndrome
Antianginals Glyceryl Trinitrate (GTN), Isosorbide Mononitrate, Nico Sudden hypotension
Calcium Channel Blockers MODERATE RISK Amlodipine, Felodipine, Diltiazem, Verapamil Hypotension, bradycardia
Other Antidysrhythmics Digoxin, Flecainide, Amiodarone Bradycardia, arrythmias
Acetylcholinersterase Inhibitors (For Dementia) POSSIBLE CAUSES Rivastigmine, Donepezil, galantamine Bradycardia and syncope

Prevention[edit|edit source]

There can be many reasons for falls, in other words, falls are 'multifactorial'. For an effective fall prevention strategy, we need to consider the risk factors that are modifiable or non-modifiable. Physical therapists should work with a team of health care professionals for an effective comprehensive fall prevention programs to reduce the risk factors for older adults . When we consider the modifiable risk factors for falls, drugs are one of the modifiable risk factors that are called as "fall risk increasing drugs". According to researches, it has been proven that withdrawal of psychotropic drugs in patients with 65 years of age were effective in prevention of falls. There were at least 66% reduction in falls was shown in patients who discontinued the intake of psychotropic drugs. Apart from that, reduction in the dosage consumption of benzodiazepines proved high success rate in fall prevention. We need to focus on multifactorial reasons contributing to falls for successful intervention. For example, proper monitoring of medication intake (dose, time, type, number), individual risk factors & environmental factors leading to falls, any specific movement such as reaching, lifting, walking, turning by an individual leading to falls, balance training, gait training, assistive devices, promoting education to family members regarding risk factors. Fall prevention is the first and foremost step in an older adults.[1]

References[edit|edit source]

  1. 1.01.1De Jong MR, Van der Elst M, Hartholt KA.Drug-related falls in older patients: implicated drugs, consequences, and possible prevention strategies.Therapeutic advances in drug safety. 2013 Aug;4(4):147-54.
  2. Geriatrics – Polypharmacy in the Elderly: By Balakrishnan Nair M.D. Available from: accessed 20.5.2019)
  3. Ziere G. Dieleman J. Hofman A. Pol A. van der Cammen T. Stricker B.Polypharmacy and Falls in the Middle Age and Elderly Population. British journal of clinical Pharmacology. 2005:61;218-223
  4. Evans J.Drugs and Falls in Later Life. Lancet. 2003; 361:448
  5. Dhalwani NN, Fahami R, Sathanapally H, Seidu S, Davies MJ, Khunti K.Association between polypharmacy and falls in older adults: a longitudinal study from England.BMJ open. 2017 Oct 1;7(10):e016358. Available from: accessed 20.5.2019)
  6. Better Health while ageing.Preventing Falls: 10 Types of Medications to Review if You’re Concerned About Falling.Available from: accessed 20.5.2019)
  7. 7.07.1Darowski A. Dwight J. Reynolds J. Medicines and Falls in Hospital: Guidance Sheet [ONLINE] available from accessed 14/01/2015