Pronator Teres综合征测试

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Pronator Teres Syndrome(PTS)是肘部中位神经的压缩神经病。它不像手腕那样常见Purpose[[|这是给予的

The purpose of this test is to help differentiate between Pronator Teres Syndrome andClinical Signs[[|这是给予的




有三个主要执行的动作in order to evaluate for Pronator Teres Syndrome (PTS). These maneuvers are the pronator compression test, resisted pronation/supination and resisted flexion of the proximal interphalangeal joint (IPJ) of the 3digit. The pronator compression test is positive when pain or paresthesia is reproduced after applying 30 seconds of pressure proximally and laterally to the proximal edge of the pronator teres muscle belly. According to Rodner, Tinsley and O’Malley, a positive pronator compression test is “the most common sign of pronator teres syndrome.[[1这是给予的”对抗螺旋和旋转(在技术部分中描述)进行了测试,以确定是否复制了PT的症状。最后,抵抗3的近端IPJ的屈曲由于屈肌浅表板的头部中位神经夹带,Digit可能会在PTS患者中再现PTS疼痛和感觉异常。



  1. Rodner CM,Tinsley BA,O’Malley MP。pronator综合征和前骨间神经综合征。美国骨科医生学院杂志[互联网]。2013年5月[引用2022年4月12日]; 21(5):268–75。可从: = mdc&an=23637145&site = site = eds live
  1. Rodner CM,Tinsley BA,O’Malley MP。pronator综合征和前骨间神经综合征。美国骨科医生学院杂志[互联网]。2013年5月[引用2022年4月12日]; 21(5):268–75。可从: = mdc&an=23637145&site = site = eds live
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  3. Morris, H H, and B H Peters. “Pronator syndrome: clinical and electrophysiological features in seven cases.” Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry 39, no. 5 (May 1976): 461-4.
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  5. Bridgeman, C, S Naidu, and M J Kothari. “Clinical and electrophysiological presentation of pronator syndrome.” Electromyography and Clinical Neurophysiology 47, no. 2: 89-92.1.
  6. Lowe,W。“ pronator teres综合征”。今天7,第5号(2007年5月)。