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Myotome[edit|edit source]

A myotome (greek: myo=muscle, tome = a section, volume) is defined as a group of muscles which is innervated by single spinal nerve root. Myotome testing is an essential part ofneurological examinationwhen suspectingradiculopathy. Myotomes are much more complex to test then dermatomes, since each skeletal muscle is innervated by nerves derived from more than one spinal cord level.[1]

Myotomes are a part of somatic nervous system and the somatic nervous system is a part of peripheral nervous system.

Differentiation of somites into dermatome, sclerotome and myotome
Differentiation of somites into dermatome, sclerotome and myotome

Spinal Nerves[edit|edit source]

Spinal cord and spinal nerves

There are 31spinal nerves, eachvertebraehas a spinal nerve. The nerves are categorized by the vertebra which house them. There are 8 cervical nerves, 12 thoracic nerves, 5lumbarnerves, 5 sacral nerves,1 coccygeal nerve. 16 of these 31 nerves has a specific myotome that controls voluntary muscle movement.[2][3]

肌刀分布[edit|edit source]

Most muscles in the limbs receive innervation from more than one spinal nerve root, and are hence comprised of multiple myotomes. EgBiceps Brachiimuscle flexes theelbow. It is innervated by themusculocutaneousnerve, which is innervated by C5, C6 and C7 nerve roots. All three of these spinal nerve roots can be said to be associated with elbow flexion.

The list below details which movement(s) has the strongest association with each myotome:

Upper Extremity:

  • C5- shoulder abduction.
  • C6– Elbow flexion Wrist extension
  • C7 – Elbow extension
  • C8 – Thumb Extension and wrist ulnar deviation
  • T1 – Finger abduction[4]

Chest wall and abdominal muscles:

Lower Extremity:

  • L2 – Hip flexion
  • L3 – Knee extension
  • L4 – Ankle dorsiflexion
  • L5 – Big toe extension
  • S1 – Ankle plantarflexion[4]
  • S2 - Knee flexion


Purpose[edit|edit source]

Testing of myotomes, in the form of isometric resisted muscle testing, gives information about the level in the spine where a lesion may be present. During myotome testing, you are looking for muscle weakness of a particular group of muscles. Results may indicate lesion to the spinal cord nerve root, or intervertebral disc herniation pressing on the spinal nerve roots. Themuscle strength grading scale, which assigns a rating to the degree of muscle weakness, is often used.

Technique[edit|edit source]

Begin by asking the client to perform a movement as per instructions and hold an isometric contraction against therapist resistance for a count of 5.

C5-Shoulder abduction.Ask the patient to raise both their arms to the side of them simultaneously as strongly as then can while the examiner provides resistance to this movement. Compare the strength of each arm.

C6-Elbow flexion & wrist extension.Test the strength of lower arm flexion by holding the patient's wrist from above and instructing them to "flex their hand up to their shoulder". Provide resistance at the wrist. Repeat and compare to the opposite arm. This tests the biceps muscle. Test the strength ofwrist extensionby asking the patient to extend their wrist while the examiner resists the movement. This tests the forearm extensors. Repeat with the other arm.

C7-Elbow extension & wrist flexion.Ask the patient to extend their forearm against the examiner's resistance. Begin their extension from a fully flexed position because this part of the movement is most sensitive to a loss in strength. This tests the triceps. Note any asymmetry in the other arm.

C8-Finger Flexion.Examine the patient's hands. Look for intrinsic hand, thenar and hypothenar muscle wasting. Test the patient's grip by having the patient hold the examiner's fingers in their fist tightly and instructing them not to let go while the examiner attempts to remove them. Normally the examiner cannot remove their fingers. This tests the forearm flexors and the intrinsic hand muscles. Compare the hands for strength asymmetry. Finger flexion is innervated by the C8 nerve root via the median nerve.

C8-Finger abduction & adduction.Test the intrinsic hand muscles once again by having the patient abduct or "fan out" all of their fingers. Instruct the patient to not allow the examiner to compress them back in. Normally, one can resist the examiner from replacing the fingers. Finger abduction or "fanning" is innervated by the T1 nerve root via the ulnar nerve.

C8 & T1-Thumb Opposition.To complete the motor examination of the upper extremities, test the strength of the thumb opposition by telling the patient to touch the tip of their thumb to the tip of their pinky finger. Apply resistance to the thumb with your index finger. Repeat with the other thumb and compare. Thumb opposition is innervated by the C8 and T1 nerve roots via the median nerve.

L1 & L2 :Hip Flexion.Proceeding to the lower extremities, first test the flexion of the hip by asking the patient to lie down and raise each leg separately while the examiner resists. Repeat and compare with the other leg. This tests the iliopsoas muscles.

L3:Knee Extension.Test extension at the knee by placing one hand under the knee and the other on top of the lower leg to provide resistance. Ask the patient to "kick out" or extend the lower leg at the knee. Repeat and compare to the other leg. This tests the quadriceps muscle.

L4:Ankle Dorsiflexion.Test dorsiflexion of the ankle by holding the top of the ankle and have the patient pull their foot up towards their face as hard as possible. Repeat with the other foot. This tests the muscles in the anterior compartment of the lower leg.

L5:Great toe extension.Ask the patient to move the large toe against the examiner's resistance "up towards the patient's face". This tests the extensor halucis longus muscle.

S1:Ankle plantarflexion and eversion/knee flexion.Holding the bottom of the foot, ask the patient to press down as hard as possible. Or in standing rise up onto the ball of their foot. Repeat with the other foot and compare. This tests thegastrocnemiusandsoleus低的肌肉的后车厢leg.

S2:Knee flexion.Test flexion at the knee by holding the knee from the side and applying resistance under the ankle and instructing the patient to pull the lower leg towards their buttock as hard as possible. Repeat with the other leg. This tests thehamstrings.[7]

Clinical relevance[edit|edit source]

Myotomes are mainly useful for clinical evaluation of patients in understanding the pattern of neurological deficit after a complex nerve injury. Injury to each or a combination of spinal myotomes, lesions may be localized to the spinal nerve or trunk level.[8]

References[edit|edit source]

  1. Earths lab Myotomes Available: 25.5.2022)
  2. are myotomes. Available from: (last accessed 22.4.2019)
  3. Magee, David. J (2009). "9". Orthopaedic Physical Assessment (4th ed.). St. Louis: Elsevier. pp. 467–566. ISBN 978-1-4160-3109-3.
  4. 4.04.1Teach me anatomy.Myotomes. Available from:最后访问22.4.2019)
  5. Med USNW Embryology Available: 9.6.22)
  6. The Noted Anatomist. Myotomes. Available from:[last accessed 18/10/2022]
  7. Slide share.Dermatomes and myotomes. Available from:最后访问22.4.2019)
  8. Duff SV, DeMatteo C. Clinical assessment of the infant and child following perinatal brachial plexus injury. J Hand Ther. 2015 Apr-Jun;28(2):126-33; quiz 134. doi: 10.1016/j.jht.2015.01.001. Epub 2015 Jan 16. PMID: 25840493; PMCID: PMC4425986.