Pathomechanics of Femoroacetabular Impingement

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Femoroacetabular Impingement – What is it?[edit|edit source]

Femoroacetabular Impingement syndrome, otherwise referred to as FAI or FAIS, is a clinical diagnosis primarily related tohipmotion[1][2]. This disorder affects healthy and proper movement occurring between the femoral head and the acetabulum of the hip and is often a predecessor to labral degeneration and/orhip osteoarthritis[1]. According to the Warwick Agreement made in 2016, a proper diagnosis of FAI requires the presence of three factors: symptoms, clinical results from assessment, and relevant imaging findings.[2]Symptoms of FAI most often present as pain in the hip and groin region, typically when the hip is undergoing movement, as well as various degrees of restriction, noises such as clicking, locking, and stiffness.[2]Pain occurs most commonly in the anterior aspect of the hip, specifically when the hip is brought into the position of Flexion, Adduction, Internal rotation (FADIR)but can also be experienced in the posterior chain of the hip.[2][3][4]


Anatomical Relevance and Classification[edit|edit source]

The femoral head, the acetabulum, and numerous structures of soft tissue make up the bulk anatomy of the hip joint.[6]The labrum of the acetabulum forms a “U” shape within the socket and functions as a seal between the bone of both the acetabulum and the femoral head, which works to increase depth of the socket and stability to the joint.[6]评估aceta的内侧和外侧的报道bulum around the femoral head, the centre edge angle can be measured from the centre of the femoral head to the edge of the respective side of the acetabulum. When this angle is greater than 40 degrees, impingement may be present.[6]

There are two major classifications of FAI which differ mainly in the bony morphology of the proximal femur and the acetabulum.

  • The first type of FAI is Cam, which is characterized by the irregular shape of the femoral head, normally rounded, causing a grinding sensation against the labrum.[2][7]
  • In contrast, the Pincer type of FAI is present when the acetabular bone is longer and thicker than normal and excessively surrounds the head of the femur, causing the labrum to be crushed under the pressure of the bony rim.[2][7]

While the two exist as distinct classifications, femoro-acetabular impingement may occur with both morphologies present, calledMixed FAI[3][2]As previously mentioned, impingement comes about when the hip moves into positions of flexion, adduction, and internal rotation, which causes the bone-on-bone grinding and possible deterioration of the bone, labrum, ligaments, and tendons in the region.[8]

While bony morphologies are highly common in causing the development of FAI, other factors can play a role in its development. Biomechanics and an individual’s muscular strengths and mobility can affect how the hip moves, especially concerning the contact between the femoral head and its socket. A study carried out by Casertelli et al, focused on the muscles of the hip in FAI-diagnosed patients, where each subject was symptomatic and were compared to an asymptomatic control group.[3]The results of this study demonstrated that individuals diagnosed with FAI had significantly lower maximal velocity contraction strengths than the control group for hip adduction, flexion, external rotation, and abduction. With weaker muscle action in and around the hip, it is possible that this can result in poor dynamic hip instability and can lead to increased femoral head translation against the labrum of the acetabulum.[3]

Prevalence of FAI[edit|edit source]

Between the two classifications of FAI, cam is the more common, shown in various research studies. The Copenhagen Osteoarthritis study took a group of 3202 people and discovered that 17% of the men had presented with cam malformation and had reported hip pain, while that number was only 4% of the women.[9]Another study carried out by Hack et al looked at the prevalence of cam-type FAI morphology and demonstrated that cam was present in 25% of the men and only 5% of the women.[10]Furthermore, a study carried out by Beck et al confirmed that aforementioned numbers and concluded that cam type FAI was more common in men than women, with an overall general consensus that cam type FAI was more common than pincer type FAI.[11]In a systematic review carried out by Mascarenhas et al the existence of cam and pincer type FAI were examined via the results of radiographic imaging. This study illustrated that both the presence of cam type morphology and pincer type morphology were significantly more common among symptomatically affected patients than asymptomatic.[12].

Pathomechanics[edit|edit source]

Febroacetabular impingement (FAI) risk factors include abnormal bony morphology, young active adults involved in high-intensity sports and abnormal hip and/pelvic kinematics.[13]

Anterior hip mechanical impingement occurs with hip flexion, adduction and internal rotation. Thus it has been postulated that higher magnitudes of hip adduction and internal rotation during functional or athletic performances that require substational hip flexion may be a risk factor for developing FAI. Abnormal hip and pelvic kinematics that can increase risk of FAI include:

  • Sagittal plane: Greater anterior pelvic tilt during hip flexion or decreased posterior pelvic tilt motion.
  • Frontal plane: Greater degrees hip adduction during dynamic tasks.
  • Transverse plane: People with FAI have been found to have reduced hip passive internal rotation range of motion.[13]

Kinematic Consequences of Capsular Fibrosis and Gluteal Inhibition[edit|edit source]

Chronic mechanical impingement can cause intra-articular damage to the acetabular cartilage, labrum and joint damage. Damage to the intra-articular structures result in the rise of an inflammatory response. Chronic pain and/or inflammation results in capsular fibrosis and altered neuromuscular control of the hip.[13]

Capsular fibrosis and thickening leads to limitations in active and passive ROM in people with FAI. In particular, thickening in the anterior capsule limits hip abduction and external rotation (which are motions that protect against FAI). Additionally, capsular tightness may limit the normal coupling behavior between the pelvis and femur.[13]

Although muscles inhibition in FAI appears to be global. It is important to consider how gluteal muscles inhibition impact functional capabilities in people with FAI and the degree to which deficits in gluteal muscles maybe responsible for the abnormal kinematics in people with FAI.[13]

Gluteal muscles inhibition leads to deficits in force production and muscle weakness.Gluteus maximusis primary responsible for the motions of posterior pelvic tilt and hip external rotation and contributes to hip abduction. Additionally, thegluteus mediusis a primary hip abductor. This is particularly problematic in people with FAI as deficits in these motions are lead to impingement.[13]

Gluteal inhibiton in people with FAI maybe the result of Arthrogneic Muscle Inhibition (AMI).[13]

Evidence[edit|edit source]

A handful of studies have recruited various groups of FAI affected individuals and had them perform a range of functional movements to test how these movements were affected by the presence of symptomatic or asymptomatic FAI.

A systematic review carried out by Freke et al examined twelve studies and reported that individuals who presented with FAIS showed significantly lowered ranges of motion for abduction and flexion of the hip.[1]Additionally, six studies showed conflicting however moderate muscular weakness in hip adductors and external rotators, as well as limited evidence for reduced strength in the hip flexors, extensors, and abductors for FAI affected individuals.[1]The review noted that there were no significant differences in depth of squat performance and pelvic range of motion between those of the FAI affected group and the control group.[1]More notably, a handful of the studies within the review suggested the presence of FAI negatively affects the ranges of motion in the sagittal and frontal planes while observing gait mechanics in addition to lower values of peak hip extension, abduction, adduction, and internal rotation.[1]

Additionally, a relevant systematic review and meta-analysis was performed by King and colleagues, which involved 14 studies and measured various biomechanical and functional movements such as gait and squatting.[7]In examination of gait patterns, a lower peak hip extension angle during the stance phase was found, with no difference in peak hip flexion angle.[7]Patients who presented with FAI demonstrated gait with a reduced total ROM in the sagittal plane with no significant differences in either adduction or abduction angles within the frontal plane.[7]There was, however, significant reduction in the peak internal rotation angle of the hip in the transverse plane of gait 9. In examination of squatting function, patients with FAI displayed a lower degree of squat depth when compared to the control group, however no significant differences with hip flexion angles.[7]

Physical Therapy Route to FAI Management[edit|edit source]

It is generally understood that hip arthroscopy as a surgical option for FAI is the most common form of management for this diagnosis.[14][15]13, 10. A systematic review and meta-analysis completed by Schwabe and colleagues demonstrated this notion by reporting that two of three studies involved concluded a significant difference between surgery and conservative treatment, with the former having greater iHOT-33 results.[14]

Nevertheless, physical therapy can be viewed as a sequential treatment option alongside surgery and can occur either as a management leading up to surgery or as a follow-up post-surgery.[15]With the aim of increasing strength and function of muscles in the hip and further increasing stability of the hip joint and decreasing impingement, Mansell et al designed the Australian FASHIoN protocol.[15]The Personalised Hip Therapy protocol includes an assessment of patient’s experiences with pain, ROM, and function, in addition to a progressive exercise program and patient education.[15]

References[edit|edit source]

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