Thoracic Spine Major Muscles

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Original Editor-Lucinda hampton

Top Contributors-Lucinda hamptonandKim Jackson

Introduction[edit|edit source]


Themuscles of the backcan be arranged into 3 categories based on their location:

  1. Superficial back muscles - found just under the skin. Includeslatissimus dorsi,trapezius,levator scapulaeand therhomboids. Able to move the upper limb as they originate at the vertebral column and insert onto either theclavicle,scapulaorhumerus.
  2. Intermediate back muscles - work to elevate and depress theribcage. There are two major muscles within this category – theserratus posterior superiorand the serratus posterior inferior.
  3. Back muscles - IncludesErector SpinaeandTransversospinalisGroup (intrinsic back muscles). These muscles collectively work to help movements of the vertebral column and to also controlposture.[1]

Not attached to the thoracic spine, but an important group of muscles in this region is the Intercostal Group ie External Intercostals; Internal Intercostals.

Major Muscles[edit|edit source]


Superficial Layer[edit|edit source]

Trapezius– this large back muscle attaches to the vertebral column from the base of the skull to the ligamentum nuchae of the neck, to the spinous processes of C7 and the thoracic spine down to T12. It connects the shoulder blade with the vertebral column and acts to support the arm and assist in upper limb movement by controlling shoulder blade movements.

Latissimus Dorsi– this broad back muscle runs from the spinous processes of the lower thoracic vertebrae and lumbar spine, the connective tissue (fascia) of the thoracolumbar region, as well as the pelvis and lower ribs, to insert into the upper arm bone (humerus). Its primary action is to extend, adduct and internally rotate the upper arm (i.e. bring the upper arm backwards, to the side of the body and rotate the upper arm towards the body e.g. performing a chin up). It also influences movements of the shoulder blade and trunk.

Rhomboids– these rhombus shaped muscles originate from the spinous processes of cervical and thoracic vertebrae (C7 to T5) and attach to the shoulder blade. The rhomboids main action is to pull the shoulder blades back (scapular retraction).

Intermediate Layer[edit|edit source]

Serratus posterior superior muscle back.png

Serratus Posterior Superior– is a thin, quadrilateral shaped muscle, located at the upper and back part of the thoracic spine. It lies deep to the rhomboids and aids inspiration by elevating ribs 2 to 5 where it attaches.

Serratus posterior inferior muscle back2.png

Serratus PosteriorInferior – is located at the junction of the thoracic and lumbar regions. It originates from vertebrae T12 down to L3 and inserts into the 9th through to 12th ribs. It acts to draw the lower ribs backwards and downwards and assists in trunk rotation and extension. It also helps with forced expiration.

Back Muscles[edit|edit source]

The term paraspinal musculature is used to describe the erector spinae and the transversospinalis groups together.These muscles are the Intrinsic back muscles, named as such because their embryological development begins in the back, opposed to the superficial and intermediate back muscles which develop elsewhere and are therefore classed as extrinsic muscles.[1]

Deep back muscles.png

1.ThoracicErector Spinaegroup ieIliocostalis;Longissimus;Spinalis– the main extensor (backward bending) muscle of the thoracic spine, located on either side of the vertebral column.

  • The erector spinae is most massive in the lumbar and thoracic regions. In the lumbar region, it is deep to the latissimus dorsi; in the thoracic region, it is deep to the trapezius and rhomboids. Very little erector spinae is present in the neck[2].
  • 安装工人spinae是主要的肌肉组织that works when we bend forward. It contracts eccentrically to guide our descent when we bend forward; it contracts isometrically when we hold a bentforward posture; and it contracts concentrically when we stand back up. When acting unilaterally (on only one side of the body) it assists with side bending and spinal rotation to the same side.

2.Transversospinalis Group– these shorter, deep muscles help stabilise the spinal segments.

  • They are situated deep to the erector spinae, and run obliquely and makes up the mass of musculature that fills the laminar groove of the spine between the transverse and spinous processes.
  • Thetransversospinalismuscle group can be divided into three subgroups: from superficial to deep, they are the semispinalis, rotatores and the multifidus:
    • The Semispinalis attaches superiorly to vertebrae five or more levels above the inferior attachment
    • The旋转器attach superiorly to the vertebrae one to two levels above the inferior attachment
    • TheMultifidusattaches superiorly to vertebrae three to four levels above the inferior attachment.[2]

The Intercostal Group[edit|edit source]

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Theintercostalgroup is composed of the external intercostals and the internal intercostals.

  • Located in the anterior, lateral, and posterior thoracic region of the trunk.
  • Depending on the specific location, they may be deep to other muscles or they may be superficial and easily palpable.
  • The fibre directions of these two muscle groups are perpendicular to each other.
  • The fibre direction of the external intercostals is the same as the fibre direction of the external abdominal oblique
  • The fibre direction of the internal intercostals is the same as the fibre direction of the internal abdominal oblique[2].

Clinical Implications[edit|edit source]

Many thoracic spine problems are related to poor posture and/or muscle irritation or tension, also calledmyofascial pain.


These muscular problems can arise from eg.

  • Sitting or standing in a slouched position over time.egsway back
  • Using abackpack.
  • Sitting for a long time at a computer.egforward head posture
  • Lack of muscularstrength(couch potatoes beware!).
  • Repeating a movement persistently that involves the thoracic part of the spine (as in sport or work): also calledoveruseinjury[3].

Preventing Thoracic Muscle Strains

  • Lift objects carefully. Ask someone to help lift heavy objects. If you must lift an object by yourself, do not use your back muscles to lift. Lift with your legs.
  • Check yourposture. Keep your upper body lifted and your head up. Poor posture can cause back strain or make it worse. Adjust your position if you work in front of a computer. You may need arm or wrist supports or change the height of your chair.
  • Exerciseas directed. Exercise can help strengthen your muscles and make you more flexible. Do not exercise or play sports when you are tired. Always warm up before you start and cool down when you finish.
  • 拉伸your muscles as directed. Keep your muscles limber bystretchingevery day. Stretch before you exercise[4].

Video[edit|edit source]

The 5 minute video below is of the back muscles in a nutshell.


References[edit|edit source]

  1. 1.01.1TeachmeanatomyBack MusclesAvailable from: accessed 8.5.2020)
  2. of the spine and rib cageAvailable from: accessed 9.5.2020)
  3. Benchmark PhysiotherapyTx mid back painAvailable from: accessed 9.5.2020)
  4. drugs.comTx back painAvailable from: accessed 9.5.2020)
  5. Anatomy zone Back muscles Available from: accessed 9.5.2020)