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Original Editor-Lucinda hampton Top Contributors-Lucinda hamptonandKim Jackson

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Top Contributors-Lucinda hamptonandKim Jackson

Introduction[edit|edit source]

Collagen image shutterstock 1807269727.jpg

Collagen is principal protein of theskin,tendons,ligaments,cartilage,bone, andconnective tissue.Depending upon the degree of mineralization, collagen tissues may be rigid (bone) or compliant (tendon) or have a gradient from rigid to compliant.

About one-quarter of all of the protein in our body is collagen. Collagen provides structure to our bodies, protecting and supporting the softer tissues and connecting them with the skeleton.[1]

  • Type I fibrils are especially able to be stretched, gram-for-gram, being stronger than steel.[2].[3][4]
  • Collagen production declines exposure tooxidative stressors egsmokingand UV light. production also declines with age, as is of a poorer quality. This impacts the appearance of skin, the maintenance ofjointhealth, and much more.[5]
  • Cosmetic lotions that claim to increase collagen levels are unlikely to do so, as collagen molecules are too large to be absorbed through the skin[2].

Types[edit|edit source]

Collagen- a triple helix structure

There are close to 30 different types of collagen that have been identified so far. The most abundant type of collagen present in the human body is that of Type I (over 90% of the collagen in the body being type I[2])和大量的类型II, III和IVlso accounted for.

  • Collagen I- found in bones, tendons, organs.
  • Collagen II- found mainly incartilage
  • Collagen III- found mainly in reticular fibres ( fine fibrous connective tissue occurring in networks to make up the supporting tissue of many organs).
  • Collagen IV- found in the basement membrane of cell membranes (a thin noncellular layer located between epithelial cells and the connective tissue that underlies them, composed of collagen and other proteins and having a variety of functions including support and filtration)[6]
  • Collagen V- found in hair, nails[4]

Collagen Synthesis[edit|edit source]

Synthesis of collagen, schematic

Synthesis takes place first inside the cell then outside the cell.

  1. The production of collagen starts with procollagen—the substance secreted by your cells. It goes through processing in the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi body. This whole process needsvitamin C.
  2. Once outside the cell peptide chains are cleaved and tropocollagen is formed. These tropocollagen molecules gather to form collagen fibrils, via covalent cross-linking. Multiple collagen fibrils form into collagen fibers.

Structure[edit|edit source]

Formation of a collagen fiber starting from polypeptide chains

Each fiber of collagen contains thousands of individual collagen molecules that are bound together by cross-linking and staggered covalent bonds (the strongest bonds that exist between protein molecules).

The collagen molecules themselves are made from a triple helix—three polypeptides or strings of amino acids chains twisting around each other.

  • There are 1,050 amino acids in each of the three chains that make up collagen. And they’re held together with hydrogens—the smallest atom.
  • Glycine is amino acid that takes up the middle of the triple helix structure because it’s the only one that can fit. Glycine is an amino acid that has a single hydrogen atom as its side chain. It is the simplest amino acid.
  • These long fibers don’t just exist as single protein ropes. Collagen can come together to form striated horizontal sheets.[5]
Side by side pairs of right handed tropocollagen molecules, each consisting of three left handed procollagens. The backbone of protein chain is illustrated as an superimposed ribbon.

Collagen-Related Disorders[edit|edit source]

有许多类型的疾病联系在一起collagen. Collagen-related diseases most commonly arise from genetic defects (one thousand mutations have been identified in twelve out of more than twenty types of collagen) or nutritional deficiencies that affect the biosynthesis, assembly, posttranslational modification, secretion, or other processes involved in normal collagen production. These include:

References[edit|edit source]

  1. A level biologyCollagenAvailable: 17.6.2022)
  2. news todayWhat is collage and why do people use it.Available from: accessed 13.2.2020)
  3. Lodish H, Berk A, Zipursky SL, Matsudaira P, Baltimore D, Darnell J.Collagen: the fibrous proteins of the matrix.Molecular Cell Biology. 2000;4 Available from:. accessed 11.2.2020)
  4. from: accessed 11.2.2020)
  5. 5.05.1Ask the scientistCollagenAvailable from: accessed 12.2.2020)
  6. Your dictionaryBasement MembraneAvailable from: accessed 12.2.2020)