



动脉make up a major part of the[[1这是给予的。动脉由[2]。动脉深处[3]

  • Systemic arteries carry blood away from the heart, transporting oxygenated blood from the left ventricle to and from every[4]
  • [5]


Mainly, arteries manage the transportation of[2]

  • 动脉in the systemic circulation can be divided into muscular or elastic depending on the type of tissue in the middle section of the artery. Larger arteries tend to be elastic and smaller ones are muscular. The latter are the one that deliver blood to the arterioles.[6]
  • Structure[[|这是给予的

    The arteries throughout the body are composed of three different layers.

    1. 最内在的层是Tunica Intima:由平滑肌层组成,该平滑肌层包含一层内皮细胞​​,其余的是平滑肌和弹性蛋白;为富含氧气的血液创建一个管,以便到达适当的灌注部位(确保没有动脉泄漏,并且富含营养的血液可以在卸下其氧气和其他营养素之前移至适当的区域)。[2]
    2. The second layer is known as the Media or the middle layer: Made up of more smooth muscle that can dilate or constrict, which adjusts the pressures on the arterial walls during systolic pumping. This layer of muscle lets arteries handle the high pressures from the heart.[7]
    3. 最外层被称为Adventitia:结缔组织将动脉锚定在附近的组织上。对于将动脉连接到体内其他组织的至关重要,包括控制动脉中平滑肌肉的血管神经。[7]








  • Regular exercise helps arteries by boosting the endothelial cells' nitric oxide production. This nitric oxide has two crucial functions. It keeps the arterial lining smooth and slippery, preventing[[10]
  • References[[|这是给予的

    1. Easy science for kids Arteries Available:https://easyscienceforkids.com/the-veins-and-arteries-of-the-circulatory-system-video-for-kids/(访问14.7.2021)
    2. 2。02。12。22。3Mercadante AA, Raja A. Anatomy, Arteries. [Updated 2021 Jan 13]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2021 Available:https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/nbk547743/(访问14.7.2021)
    3. Kids search Artery Available:https://kids.kiddle.co/artery(访问14.7.2021)
    4. 沃尔夫,克里斯托弗&科利尔国王大卫•& M & Saxena, Manish & TJ, Brier & Kapil, Vikas & Green, David & Lobo, Melvin. (2016). A Discussion on the Regulation of Blood Flow and Pressure.. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 129-135. 10.1007/978-1-4939-3023-4_16..Available:https://www.researchgate.net/publication/291522547_a_discussion_on_the_regulation_of_blood_blood_flow_flow_and_pressure/citation/citation/citation/download(访问14.7.2021)
    5. NIH Blood Vessels Available:https://training.seer.cancer.gov/anatomy/cardiovascular/blood/classification.html(访问14.7.2021)
    6. Medical stock images Facts about arteries Available:https://www.medicalstockimages.net/blogs/news/facts-about-the-human-arteries(访问14.7.2021)
    7. 7.07.1Web MD动脉可用:https://www.webmd.com/heart/picture-of-the-arteries#1(访问14.7.2021)
    8. 密歇根州医学动脉疾病可用:https://www.umcvc.org/conditions-treatments/arterial-artery-disease(访问14.7.2021)
    9. Exercise and Cardiovascular Health Jonathan Myers Originally published7 Jan 2003 Circulation. 2003;107:e2–e5 Available :https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/full/10.1161/01.CIR.0000048890.59383.8D(访问15.7.2021)
    10. 哈佛健康运动和您的动脉可用:https://www.health.harvard.edu/heart-health/exercise-and-your-arteries(访问15.7.2021)