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== Introduction ==
== Introduction ==

Revision as of 12:32, 29 December 2022

Introduction[edit|edit source]

Breathing through the nose

Breathing exercises are a form of exercise that can be used for a variety of health-related reasons. eg: to enhance therespiratory systemby improving ventilation;strengtheningrespiratory muscles; make breathing more efficient; and forstressreduction.[1][2]

Improper breathing can upset theoxygenand carbon dioxide exchange and contribute to anxiety,panic attacks, fatigue, and other physical and emotional disturbances.[3]

Deep Breathing[edit|edit source]

Deep breathing helps to relieve shortness of breath by preventing air from getting trapped in the lungs and helps inhalation of more fresh air to the base of the lungs. It may help the client to feel more relaxed and centered.


  • While standing or sitting, draw your elbows back slightly to allow your chest to expand.
  • Take a deep inhalation through the nose.
  • Retain your breath for a count of 5.
  • Slowly release your breath by exhaling through the nose[4].

Diaphragmatic Breathing[edit|edit source]

Diaphragmatic breathing

Diaphragmatic breathingis a type of breathing exercise that helps strengthen thediaphragm, an important muscle that helps with breathing, as it represents 80% of breathing. Diaphragmatic exercises help to make people feel relaxed and rested.

This breathing exercise is also sometimes called belly breathing or abdominal breathing[5].

Pursed Lips Breathing[edit|edit source]

Pursed Lips technique

Pursed-lip breathingis a breathing technique that consists of exhaling through tightly pressed (pursed) lips and inhaling through the nose with the mouth closed. It is a simple breathing technique that helps with making deep breaths slower and more intentional.

This technique has been found to benefit people who have anxiety-associated lung conditions egemphysemaandchronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD)[6].

Box Breathing[edit|edit source]

Box breathing can be helpful with relaxation. Box breathing is a breathing exercise to assist patients with stress management and can be implemented before, during, and/or after stressful experiences. Box breathing involves visualizing a journey around the four sides of a square, pausing while traveling horizontally, and breathing in while traveling up the square and out while traveling down it. This exercise can be implemented in many environments, not requiring a calm environment to be effective.

Box Breathing.png
  • Step One: Breath in through the nose for a count of 4.
  • Step Two: Hold your breath for a count of 4.
  • Step Three: Breath out for a count of 4.
  • Step Four: Hold your breath for a count of 4.
  • Repeat[7]

Pranayama[edit|edit source]

Pranayama Yoga programme

Pranayama is used as a technical term in yoga, it is often translated more specifically as "breath control".

Traditional pranayama was based on various aspects of physical and spiritual well-being, practiced from a seated position. In the modern world where everyone is at their desks for long durations proceeding with pranayama in motion is a good option, and has adaptions for this.


Mindful Breathing[edit|edit source]


Mindfulnessmeditationinvolves focusing on your breathing and bringing attention to the present without allowing your mind to drift off to the past or future.

  • A calming focus is chosen, including a sound ("om"), positive word ("peace"), or phrase ("breathe in calm, breathe out tension") to repeat silently as the client inhales or exhales.
  • The mind and body then let go and relax.
  • When the client notices the mind has drifted, they take a deep breath and gently return attention to the present.

Cardiac Coherence Breathing[edit|edit source]

Cardiac Coherence corresponds to the interconnectivity reflex of the respiratory and cardiac systems, through the autonomous nervous system managing those systems'rhythms coherence和监管。这个练习和responds to acting on the respiratory rhythm in order to influence the cardiac one. It can be practiced at different paces for different objectives and results.

The method described by Dr. David O'Hare in his book365, meaning 3 times/day, 6 breaths/minute, for 5 minutes long is a method that had proven its immediate and residualeffectsas well as its long term. Such as a decrease in cortisol level, blood pressure regulation, and lower risk of heart disease, oxytocin hormone production increase, regulation of blood sugar level, increased memorization and concentration... This is made possible by a larger activation of the autonomous nervous system implying a better hormone regulation and systems managed by the autonomous nervous system.

The technique by itself :

The main pace is known as 4/6; meaning 4 seconds of inhalation and 6 seconds of exhalation

This exercise does not require the use of any special equipment[8]

Active Cycle of Breathing Techniques[edit|edit source]

TheActive Cycle of Breathing Techniques(ACBT)是一个活跃的呼吸技巧by the patient and can be used to mobilize and clear excess pulmonary secretions and to generally improve lung function. Once ACBT has been taught, the patient can be encouraged to use it independently without the supervision of a physiotherapist. This exercise does not require the use of any special equipment.

Research Findings[edit|edit source]

Relaxed breathing

Breathing affects all body systems; these systems in turn influence breathing. Optimal breathing patterns help to maintain homeostasis, but when breathing is disrupted, significant issues can arise.

Examples of how breathing can help in health outcomes are shown below:

  • Breathing exercises can improve pulmonary function, respiratory muscle strength, exercise capacity,dyspnea, and health-related quality of life in patients with COPD[9].
  • Evidence suggests that diaphragmatic breathing may decrease stress as measured by physiologic biomarkers, as well psychological self-report tools[10]
  • Evidence exists to support the use of breathing exercises in the treatment of chronic, nonspecificlow back pain.[11]
  • Breathing-based meditation decreasesposttraumatic stress disorder(PTSD) symptoms in U.S. military veterans.[12]
  • The way of breathing decisively influences autonomic andpainprocessing. Deep slow breathing in concert withrelaxationare essential feature in the modulation ofsympatheticarousal and pain perception. Thus can be useful inchronic painmanagement.[13]
  • Breathing exercises for adults with asthma may have some positive effects onquality of life,hyperventilationsymptoms, andlung function[14].

SeeThe Science of Breathing Well

Give clients time to experiment with different types of breathing techniques, choosing appropriately.

References[edit|edit source]

  1. Medical dictionary Breathing exercises Available: 11.3.2022)
  2. Lung Org Breathing exercises Available: 11.3.2022)
  3. Paulus MP. The breathing conundrum—interoceptive sensitivity and anxiety.Depression and anxiety. 2013 Apr;30(4):315-20.Available: 3.11.2022)
  4. Healthline 10 Breathing Techniques for Stress Relief and More Available: 12.3.2022)
  5. PhysiopediaDiaphragmatic breathing.
  6. Very well health 8 Deep Breathing Exercises for Anxiety Available: 11.3.2022)
  7. Norelli SK, Long A, Krepps JM.Relaxation Techniques.[Updated 2021 Jul 26]. StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing. 2021. Available; 11.3.2022)
  8. McCraty R, Zayas MA. Cardiac coherence, self-regulation, autonomic stability, and psychosocial well-being. Front Psychol. 2014 Sep 29;5:1090. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.01090. PMID: 25324802; PMCID: PMC4179616.
  9. Lu Y, Li P, Li N, Wang Z, Li J, Liu X, Wu W.Effects of home-based breathing exercises in subjects with COPD. Respiratory care. 2020 Mar 1;65(3):377-87. Available: 12.2.2022)
  10. Hopper SI, Murray SL, Ferrara LR, Singleton JK.Effectiveness of diaphragmatic breathing for reducing physiological and psychological stress in adults: a quantitative systematic review. JBI Evidence Synthesis. 2019 Sep 1;17(9):1855-76. Available: 12.3.2022)
  11. Anderson BE, Bliven KC.The use of breathing exercises in the treatment of chronic, nonspecific low back pain. Journal of sport rehabilitation. 2017 Sep 1;26(5):452-8. Available: 12.3.2022)
  12. Seppälä EM, Nitschke JB, Tudorascu DL, Hayes A, Goldstein MR, Nguyen DT, Perlman D, Davidson RJ.Breathing‐based meditation decreases posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in US Military veterans: A randomized controlled longitudinal study. Journal of traumatic stress. 2014 Aug;27(4):397-405. Available: 12.3.2022)
  13. Busch V, Magerl W, Kern U, Haas J, Hajak G, Eichhammer P.The effect of deep and slow breathing on pain perception, autonomic activity, and mood processing—an experimental study.Pain Medicine. 2012 Feb 1;13(2):215-28. Available: 12.3.2022)
  14. Santino TA, Chaves GS, Freitas DA, Fregonezi GA, Mendonça KM.Breathing exercises for adults with asthma.Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2020(3). Available: 12.3.2022)