Open Physio

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About[edit|edit source]

Open Physio was a physiotherapy specific Wiki initiated byMichael Rowebased at a university in the Western Cape of South Africa. Michael is interested in social media and other emerging technologies to facilitate enhanced teaching and learning practice in physiotherapy education and as such set up Open Physio to use with his students and perform Wiki based research[1].

In 2011 Michael decided to merge Open Physio with Physiopedia to enable the longevity of the work completed in Open Physio. Our collaboration with Open Physio has provided Physiopedia with nearly 50 pages of content and has also provided a home for the student work that was completed in Open Physio which will now be protected and sustained in Physiopedia.

项目领导[edit|edit source]

Michael Rowe

Project Date[edit|edit source]


Articles[edit|edit source]

References[edit|edit source]

  1. Rowe, M.Collaborative knowledge construction using wikis. Abstract accepted for HELTASA conference, November 2009