Heterotopic Ossification

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Introduction[edit|edit source]

Heterotopic ossification is seen often inrehabilitationpopulation. It refers to the formation of mature, lamellarbonein extraskeletal soft tissue where bone should not be. Patients at risk of developing heterotopic ossification include patients withburns,strokes,spinal cord injuries (SCI),amputations, joint replacements, andtraumatic brain injuries (TBI).[1]

  • Lesions range from small, clinically insignificant foci of ossification to large deposits of bone that cause pain and restriction.
  • The most common presentation is with pain around the ossification site[2]

Figure.1CT Scan showing Heterotopic Ossification of Proximal Femur
Figure.2Radiograph showing Heterotopic Ossification of the Hip

Etiology[edit|edit source]

The exact mechanism of heterotopic ossification (HO) in traumatic and neurogenic heterotopic ossification is unknown, but two common factors precede the formation of heterotopic ossification , the first being trauma or an inciting neurological event.

  1. Traumatic (fracture, arthroplasty, muscular trauma, joint dislocation, burns). In total joint arthroplasty, heterotopic ossification most commonly occurs for thereplacement of hips,knees, elbow, andshoulder. Chronic muscular trauma leads to what is traditionally known specifically as traumaticmyositis ossificans. The most common sites for traumaticmyositis ossificansare thequadriceps femorismuscle and thebrachialismuscle.
  2. Neurogenic (Stroke, SCI, TBI, Brain Tumors). The most common sites for neurogenic heterotopic ossification are the hips, elbows (extensor side), shoulders, and knees. Uncommon sites of heterotopic ossification that may be encountered in a rehabilitation setting are incisions,kidneys, uterus, corpora cavernosum, and the gastrointestinal tract. The exact cause and mechanism of neurogenic heterotopic ossification are unknown.

Risk Factors[edit|edit source]

Epidemiology[edit|edit source]

  • Heterotopic Ossification is twice as common in males versus females, but it is noted that females older than 65 years old have an increased risk of developing heterotopic ossification.
  • The incidence of neurogenic heterotopic ossification is 10% to 20%.[1]
  • Following lower extremity amputation: 7%[3]
  • Following SCI: 20% (ranges reported from 20-40%)[3]
  • FollowingTHA (total hip arthroplasty): 55%[4]
  • Following Elbow Fracture and/or Dislocation: 90%[5]

Signs and Symptoms[edit|edit source]

Figure.3Heterotopic Ossification Progression of the Hip

Clinical signs and symptoms of heterotopic ossification may appear as soon as 3 weeks or up to 12 weeks after initial musculoskeletal trauma, spinal cord injury, or other precipitating events.[6]The first sign of heterotopic ossification is generally loss of joint mobility and subsequently loss of function. Other findings that may suggest the presence of heterotopic ossification include swelling, erythema, heat, pain depending on sensory deficit, hard, palpable mass, pressure area, contracture formation and spasticity and autonomic dysreflexia in individuals with spinal cord injury. In some cases, a fever may be present.[4]

  1. Symptoms:Painless Loss of ROM, Interferes with activities of daily living) ADL,Complex regional pain syndrome) CRPS,Fever
  2. Inspection:Warm, Painful, Swollen Joint; may have effusion; Skin Problems (pressure ulcers from contractures around skin, muscles, ligaments, skin maceration and hygiene problems)
  3. Movement:Decreased Joint ROM; Joint Ankylosis; with heterotopic ossification aftertotal knee arthroplasty(TKA), might develop quadricep muscle snapping or patella instability
  4. Neurovascular:Peripheral Neuropathy; heterotopic ossification often impinges on adjacent neurovascular structures[7]

Differential Diagnoses[edit|edit source]

The initial inflammatory phase of heterotopic ossification may mimic other pathologies such as cellulitis, thrombophlebitis, osteomyelitis, or a tumorous process.[8][9]

Other differential diagnoses includedeep veinous thrombosis (DVT),Septic Arthritis, Haematoma, orFracture. DVT and heterotopic ossification have been positively associated. This is thought to be due to the mass effect and local inflammation of the HO, encouraging thrombus formation. The thrombus formation is caused by venous compression and phlebitis.[4]

Diagnosis[edit|edit source]

Diagnosis is made when soft tissue ossification with sharp demarcation from surrounding soft tissues is seen on radiograph.[7]However, plain radiographs may not be able to detect early lesions, so ultrasonography is more commonly used as an early screening modality, despite magnetic resonance imaging remaining the gold standard for imaging of soft tissue masses.[10]

Figure.4CT Scan showing Heterotopic Ossification of the Shoulder
Figure.5AP X-ray Showing Heterotopic Ossification of Shoulder

Associated Co-Morbidities[edit|edit source]

The most common conditions found in conjunction with heterotopic ossification:[9][11]

Treatment[edit|edit source]

Heterotopic Ossification is best managed by an interprofessional team. The condition is not only difficult to diagnose because of lack of specific markers but its treatment is not satisfactory. Current treatment recommendations consist of mobilisations with gentle ROM exercises, indomethacin, etidronate, and surgical resection.

  • Early treatment with a passive range of motion exercises should be implemented once the presence of HO is confirmed to prevent ankylosing of joints.
  • Absolute treatment consists of surgical resection of mature bone once the HO has fully matured. This can be 12 to 18 months after the initial presentation.
  • Surgical consultation with an orthopaedic surgeon is warranted only if there will be an improvement in function as demonstrated by mobility, transfers, hygiene, and ADLs.
  • Indomethacin and etidronate are also used to help arrest bone formation in HO, but efficacy in the traumatic brain injury population has not been clearly proven (see below).
  • The most effective treatment option in the TBI population is surgical resection. In the SCI population, the most effectiveNon-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAID)treatment regiments are either Rofecoxib 25 mg per day for 4 weeks or indomethacin 75 mg daily for 3 weeks.[1]

Medications[edit|edit source]

这两种类型的药物都公关ophylactic and treatment benefits are as follows:

  1. Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDS)
    Indomethacin (two-fold action)
    • Inhibition of the differentiation of mesenchymal cells into osteogenic cells (direct)
    • Inhibition of post-traumatic bone remodelling by suppression of prostaglandin-mediated response (indirect) and anti-inflammatory properties
  2. Biphosphonates: Three-fold action
    • Inhibition of calcium phosphate precipitation
    • Slowing of hydroxyapatite crystal aggregation
    • Inhibition of the transformation of calcium phosphate to hydroxyapatite.

Surgical Interventions[edit|edit source]

The two main goals of surgical intervention are to

  1. Alter the position of the affected joint
  2. Improve its range of motion (ROM).[13]

Rehabilitation Post-Operatively: It is recommended that a rehabilitation program should start within the first 24 hours after surgery. The program should last for 3 weeks to prevent adhesion.[12]

Prognosis[edit|edit source]

Complications of heterotopic ossification present itself through decreased function and mobility, peripheral nerve entrapment, and pressure ulcers.

  1. Up to 70% of cases involving HA are asymptomatic.
  2. Ankylosis, vascular compression, and lymphedema can also be complications manifested in HO.
  3. Prognosis is generally good after surgery. Mean time from injury to surgery is 3.6 years. Once the surgery is performed, studies have shown that average ROM in the hip can improve from 24.3 to. After surgery, improvement was maintained in follow up 6 months after surgery. Complications from surgical resection of HO, such as infection, severe hematoma, and DVT[1]

In the case of sporting myositis ossificans, usually athletes are able to progress to light activity at 2 to 3 months, full activity by 6 months, and back to their pre-injury level by 1 year.[10]

Physical Therapy Management[edit|edit source]

物理治疗已被证明病人受益s suffering from heterotopic ossification. Pre-operative PT can be used to help preserve the structures around the lesion. ROM exercises (PROM, AAROM, AROM) and strengthening will help prevent muscle atrophy and preserve joint motion.

Clinical Note: Caution must be taken when working with patients with known heterotopic lesions. Therapy which is too aggressive can aggravate the condition and lead to inflammation, erythema, haemorrhage, and increased pain.

Post-operative rehabilitation has also shown to benefit patients with recent surgical resection of heterotopic ossification. The post-op management of HO is similar to pre-op treatment but much more emphasis is placed onedemacontrol,scar management, andinfection prevention. Calandruccio et al. outlined a rehabilitation protocol for patients who underwent surgical excision of heterotopic ossification of the elbow. The phases of rehab and goals for each phase are as follows:[3]

Phase I(Week 1)[edit|edit source]

Elbow Heterotopic Ossification


  1. Prevent infection
  2. Protect and decrease stress on surgical site
  3. Decrease pain
  4. Control and decrease edema
  5. ROM to 80% of affected joint
  6. Maintain ROM of joint proximal and distal to surgical site

Phase II (2-8 Weeks)[edit|edit source]


  1. Reduce ain
  2. ManageEdema
  3. Encourage limited ADL performances
  4. Promote Scar Mobility and proper remodeling
  5. Promote full ROM of affected joint
  6. Encourage quality muscle contractions
    Photo courtesy of prosportscare.com

Phase III (9-24 Weeks)[edit|edit source]


  1. Self-manage Pain
  2. Prevent flare-up with functional activities
  3. Improve Strength
  4. Improve ROM (if still limited)
  5. Return to previous levels of activity

References[edit|edit source]

  1. E, Hanyu-Deutmeyer AA.Heterotopic Ossification.Available:https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK519029/(accessed 24.10.2021)
  2. RadiopediaHOAvailable:https://radiopaedia.org/articles/heterotopic-ossification(accessed 24.10.2021)
  3. JE, Keenan MA. Current review of heterotopic ossification. UPOJ 2010; 20: 126-130.
  4. AF, Soucacos PN, Papagelopoulos PJ. Heterotopic Ossification Revisited. Orthopedics. 2011Jan;34(3):177.
  5. Dalury DF, Jiranek WA. The incidence of heterotopic ossification after total knee arthroplasty. Journal of Arthroplasty 2004; 19: 447-457.
  6. Shehab D, Elgazzar AH, Collier BD. Heterotopic ossification. Jour of Nuclear Medicine 2002; 43: 346-353.
  7. 7.07.1OrthobulletsHOAvailable:https://www.orthobullets.com/pathology/8044/heterotopic-ossification(accessed 24.10.2021)
  8. Firoozabadi R, Alton T, Sagi HC. Heterotopic Ossification in Acetabular Fracture Surgery. Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. 2017;25(2):117–24.
  9. 9.09.1Bossche LV, Vanderstraeten G. Heterotopic ossification: a review. J Rehabil Med 2005; 37: 129-136.5. Pape HC et al. Current concepts in the development of hetetrotopic ossification. Journ Bone and Joint Surg 2004; 86: 783-787.
  10. 10.010.1Devilbiss Z, Hess M, Ho GWK.Myositis Ossificans in Sport: A Review. Curr Sports Med Rep. 2018 Sep;17(9):290-295. doi: 10.1249/JSR.0000000000000515. PMID: 30204632. Available:https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30204632/(accessed 25.10.2021)
  11. McCarthy EF, Sundaram M. Heterotopic ossification: a review. Skeletal Radiol 2005; 34: 609-619.
  12. 12.012.1Foruria AM, Augustin S, Morrey BF, Sanchez-Sotelo Joaquin. Heterotopic Ossification After Surgery for Fractures and Fractures-Dislocations Involving the Proximal Aspect of the Radius or Ulna. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, Incorporated. 2015May15;95-A(10):e66(1)-e66(7).
  13. Pape HC et al. Current concepts in the development of hetetrotopic ossification. Journ Bone and Joint Surg 2004; 86: 783-787.