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Introduction[edit|edit source]

Atelectasis Normal vs Affected Airway.jpeg

Atelectasis is a condition in which small airways of thelungcollapse completely or partially, leading to an impaired gaseous exchange between CO2 and O2. It is a reversible condition and usually occurs secondary to an underlying pathology.[1][2]

Epidemiology[edit|edit source]

  • Atelectasis does not preferentially affect either sex.
  • Incidence doesn't increase in patient with increased age,COPDorasthma.
  • The incidence of atelectasis in patients who have recently undergone general anesthesia is as high as 90%
  • It is commonly observed as a complication inpost-operativepatients whose breathing mechanism is impacted by the procedure,pain, and prolonged resting.
  • Atelectasis is less commonly seen in patients with conditions likeCOPD,bronchiectasis, andcystic fibrosis.
  • Cephalad displacement of the diaphragm inObeseand/or pregnant patients is more likely to cause atelectasis.[2]

Classification[edit|edit source]

It can be classified as follows[3]

1. pathophysiologic mechanism (e.g., compressive atelectasis)

2. the amount of lung involved (e.g., lobar, segmental, or subsegmental atelectasis)

3. the location (i.e., specific lobe or segment location).

On the basis of pathophysiology[edit|edit source]

Following table comprises the classification of atelectasis based on pathophysiologic mechanism[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19]

Pathophysiologic Mechanism Pathogenesis Associated Types of Atelectasis Cause
Compression of Lung Tissue When there is an imbalance of net forces across an alveolar wall, it causes the alveoli to collapse. this mechanism of atelectasis causes the lung tissue to compress.
  • Passive Atelectasis
  • Compressive Atelectasis
  • Airway Stenosis
  • Inflammation and edema caused by aspiration or inhalation injury (smoke, chemical agents)
  • Edemaof the airway
  • Bronchial tumor
  • Granuloma
  • Papilloma
  • Cardiomegaly
  • LobarEmphysema
  • Vascular ring (innominate artery)
  • Lymph node hypertrophy (tuberculosis)
  • Tumors (mediastinum)
  • Chylothorax
  • Hemothorax
  • Pneumothorax
  • General anesthesia
Absorption of Alveolar Air A second major reason is gas resorption. This may occur in two ways.
  • If there is a complete occlusion of the airway, the alveolar gas can only exit via the bloodstream and not the alveolar unit, this obstruction can cause atelectasis.
  • The second and perhaps more important mechanism of gas resorption may occur due to the ventilation/perfusion mismatch in certain areas of the lung. If the alveolar oxygen increases because of the increased inspired oxygen concentration and the nitrogen does not, uptake will be high resulting in less alveolar splinting and decreased lung volume.
  • Obstructive Atelectasis
  • Cicatrizion Atelectasis
Impairment of Surfactant Function Deficiency of acquired dysfunction(e . g ., for premature neonates) can result in lacking surfactant capacity. When inactivated, decreased expansion of the alveoli can occur as a result of increased local surface tension causing a reduction in resting lung volume globally.
  • Adhesive atelectasis


On the basis of location[edit|edit source]

Atelectasis can be classified on the basis of location according to radiological patterns of collapse[12]

Complete collapse[edit|edit source]

The white out (complete opacification of a hemithorax) can be seen in complete lung collapse. This appearance can be confused with a largepleural effusion, but the mediastinal shift towards a collapsed lung can distinguish it from pleural effusion where the shift is in the opposite direction of the pathology.

Lobar collapse[edit|edit source]

Characteristic features associated with individual lobar collapse are as follows:

Right upper lobe (RUL) collapse[edit|edit source]
  • Elevation of the right hilum
  • Elevation of the minor fissure.
  • Minor and major fissures may be visible on the lateral view.
  • Golden S sign is present (The minor fissure is usually convex superiorly but may appear concave because of an underlying mass lesion).
Right middle lobe (RML) collapse[edit|edit source]
  • Results in minimal opacity and is often overlooked.
  • In a posterior -anterior view, the loss of silhouette of the right heart border can be seen.
  • A wedge-shaped opacity can be seen on the lateral view as the result of right horizontal and oblique fissures moving towards each other.
Right lower lobe (RLL) collapse[edit|edit source]
  • Triangular opacity can be seen alongside the right heart border.
  • The right hemidiaphragm may appear elevated because of the obliteration.
  • The right heart border is clearly seen.
  • Loss of the right hemidiaphragm outline posteriorly and denser lower thoracic vertebrae can be observed on the lateral view.
Left upper lobe (LUL) collapse[edit|edit source]
  • It appears as a veil-like opacity because of the absence of minor fissure, stretching out from the hilum and disappearing inferiorly.
  • The major fissure is seen displaced anteriorly and the lower lobe is hyper-expanded on the lateral view.
  • Luftsichel符号是公关esent (hyper-expanded superior segment of the left lower lobe).
Left Lower Lobe (LLL) collapse[edit|edit source]
  • Increased retrocardiac opacity is seen which shadows the left hemidiaphragm.
  • Loss of the Left hemidiaphragm outline posteriorly and denser lower thoracic vertebrae can be observed on the lateral view.

The video below demonstrates the lobar classification of atelectasis on a radiograph:


Clinical Implications[edit|edit source]

Following are the clinical implications of atelectasis[15][22]

  • Decreased lung compliance
  • Hypoxemia
  • Increased pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR)
  • Inflammation as a local tissue biologic response
  • Local immune dysfunction
  • Damage of the alveolar-capillary barrier
  • Potential loss of lung fluid clearance
  • Increased lung protein permeability
  • Susceptibility to infection
  • Impaired penetration of antibiotics into lung tissue
  • Factors that can initiate or exaggerate lung injury
  • Acute respiratory failure.

Clinical Presentation[edit|edit source]


The signs and symptoms of atelectasis are often non-specific:[1][23]

  • Chest pain
  • Shallow breathing pattern
  • Reduced chest expansion
  • Increased respiratory rate
  • Increased work of breathing
  • Reduced breath sound on the ipsilateral side ofauscultation. In cases of the upper lobe atelectasis, bronchial sounds may be heard, because of the proximity to the major airways.

Diagnosis[edit|edit source]


Following video explains the interpretation of the chest x-ray:


Prevention[edit|edit source]

  • It can be prevented by avoiding general anesthesia.[2]
  • The use ofcontinuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), low tidal volumes, lowest possible FiO2 during induction and maintenance, Positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP), and lung recruitment maneuvers will help in preventing atelectasis at the point when the use of general anesthesia is unavoidable.[2]
  • 早期的动员。[2][30][31][32]
  • adequatepaincontrol.[2]
  • minimizing parenteralopioidadministration.[2]

Management[edit|edit source]

Management of atelectasis depends upon the duration and severity of the condition, from non-invasive intervention ( chest physiotherapy and pharmacological agents) to invasive treatment (bronchoscopy) can be opted according to the individual's state of health.[1]

Physiotherapy Management[edit|edit source]

Different physical therapy interventions have shown to be beneficial in the resolution of atelectasis. Physical therapy treatment can also be used as a preventative or prophylactic measure before surgery.[2]

The table below contains the different physical therapy treatment options in patients with atelectasis.[2][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50]

Physical Therapy Treatment
Airway clearance techniques
The Active Cycle of Breathing Technique.png
Breathing exercises
Incentive Spirometry using 3 balls.jpg
  • Kinetic Therapy: It is defined as the continuous turning of a patient slowly along the longitudinal axis to ≥ 40° onto each side, using a specialized bed.
  • Turning side to side
  • Prone positioning
1920px-Supine and prone diagrams-en.svg.png
Early mobilization
  • Sitting out of bed
  • Standing on the first postoperative day,
  • Walking a short distance in the room or corridor on the second postoperative day
Walking frame.jpg

The Video below demonstrates on the use incentive spirometer:


The Video below demonstrates on different chest physiotherapy treatment options in pediatric population:


Non-conservative Management[edit|edit source]

Flexible bronchoscopy can be used for both diagnosing and treating a patient with atelectasis. It is a safe mode of treatment for lung collapse. It can be used under the following circumstances:

  1. When the retained secretions with an air bronchogram pattern are present only to the extent of segmental bronchi causing lobar atelectasis.
  2. when standard chest physiotherapy has been failed to produce a positive outcome.
  3. Life-threatening partial- or complete-lung atelectasis
  4. 当剧烈的胸部疗法并不适合the patient or contraindicated for example individuals with chest trauma, unstable vertebral fractures, extensive burns, smoke inhalation, neuromuscular diseases, etc.
  5. when there is a question in diagnosing the patient.[53]

Clinical Bottom Line[edit|edit source]

Atelectasis is a pathology that often occurs secondary to an underlying condition or as a postoperative complication and can be significantly morbid or mortal. There is consensus in the literature whether or not it is always preventable but there are different conservative and non-conservative approaches that have shown to be effective in preventing and treating atelectasis.[2]

References[edit|edit source]

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