Shoulder Examination

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Shoulder Examination[edit|edit source]

Lift off test:Subscapularis

The prerequisite for any treatment in theshoulderregion of a patient withpainis a precise and comprehensive picture of the signs and symptoms as they occur during the assessment and as they existed until then. Because of its many structures (most of which are in a small area), its many movements, and the many lesions that may occur either inside or outside the joints, the shoulder complex is difficult to assess. Having a systematic and structured approach to the shoulder history and examination ensures that key aspects of the condition are elicited and important conditions are not missed. Information gathered in this process can help guide decisions about the need for special tests or investigations and ongoing management.

注意,根据临床评价策略tests and diagnostic imaging has been challenged over time, with clinical tests appearing unable to clearly identify the structures that generated pain. The interpretation of diagnostic imaging is also still controversial.[1]

Relevant Anatomy[edit|edit source]

Therange of motion(ROM) of the arm relative to the trunk does not just come from theglenohumeral joint. Movement also occurs in theacromioclavicular (a.c.) joint,sternoclavicular (s.c.)joint and the upper costosternal andcostovertebral joints. Another prerequisite for normal movement is that thescapulashould be able to move freely, relative from the dorsalthoraxwall.

The glenohumeral joint is a multiaxial, ball-and-socket,synovial jointwith a relatively shallow socket: the cavitas glenoidalis. The joint depends primarily on themusclesandligamentsfor its support, stability and integrity.[2]The ring offirbocartilage labrum (glenoid labrum), surrounds and deepens the glenoid cavity of the scapula about 50%.[3]

Stability is mostly offered by the periarticular muscles, that originate from the scapula and insert on the caput humeri. This rotator cuff includes the m.supraspinatus, m. infraspinatus and m. subscapularis. The spina scapulae is a bony ridge on the dorsal side and is the insertion location of the m. trapezius and m. deltoideus. The spina scapulae broadens on the lateral side, shaping the acromion. The space between the acromion and humerus head is called the subacromial space. In this space you'll find the tendons of the rotators and the bursa subacromialis (= bursa subdeltoidea). The tuberculum minus and tuberculum majus are divided by the sulcus intertubercularis, where the tendon of the caput longum m. biceps brachii runs. This tendon continues into into the joint and has its insertion on the top ridge of the cavitas glenoidalis (labrum glenoidale).

For a full overview of shoulder anatomy, pleaseread this pageon the shoulder.

Anamnesis/Medical History[edit|edit source]

Anamnesis refers to the client's account of their past medical history. The anamnesis is a significant part of the assessment of patients with musculoskeletal dysfunction. Different anamnestic elements are collected including

  • Characteristics of symptoms
  • Mechanisms of pain
  • Expectations, preferences and psychosocial factors of patients (yellow flags)

These elements are all weighted and included in the clinical reasoning process to guide the subsequent physical examination

Patient History[edit|edit source]

  • Listen carefully to the patient’s past medical history, this may well rule outred flagsand guide the shoulder examination
  • History of presenting condition, how long have the complaints persisted, how did it develop, was there a trauma-moment?
  • Paindistribution and severity: disturbed sleep, can de patient lie on the affected side, degree of hindrance in daily living at home and at work
  • 病人自我保健和其他治疗方法有三ed
  • Shoulder complaints in the past: course, treatment and result of the treatment
  • Relation between the complaints and work situation
  • Relation between the complaints and sports activities

Try to get an impression of the location of the complaints, ask about[edit|edit source]

  • The location of the pain, radiation in the arm
  • Aggravating activities, e.g. difficulty with overhead activities, lifting objects, activities of daily living, sports or recreational activities
  • Painful limitation when moving the upper arm in one or more directions
  • Feeling of instability
  • Added complaints in the neck

Questions to ask to determine possible pathologies[edit|edit source]

  1. Does moving your neck change your symptoms?
  2. Do you ever feel unstable during arm movement?
  3. When you do actions with your arms over your head, does this aggravate your pain level?
  4. Is it difficult to move your arm?
  5. When performing actions with your arms over your head, do your arms feel heavier?[4]

Mechanism of Injury[edit|edit source]

Asking about the mechanism of any specific injury is critical, particularly about three factors relating to the time of injury: anatomical site, limb position and subjective experiences. Take care to clarify the patient’s description of the anatomical site. A description of the arm position at the time of the injury is also valuable. For example, falling on an abducted and externally rotated arm increases the risk of shoulder dislocation or subluxation. Finally, exploring the subjective experiences of the patient at the time of injury can be useful. For example, a snapping or cracking sound may be related to a bone or ligament breaking; feeling something ‘pop out’ may suggest ajoint dislocationor subluxation.

Physical Examination[edit|edit source]

This video gives a 15 minute great summary of the key important procedures.



Clear the Cervical Spine[edit|edit source]

The cervical spine can refer pain to the shoulder/scapular region. It is imperative that the cervical spine be screened appropriately as it may be contributing to the patient’s clinical presentation.

SeeCervical Examination

Objective[edit|edit source]

Observation[edit|edit source]

The key principle with this phase of the shoulder examination is symmetry. The shape, position and function of each shoulder should be relatively similar. Some differences can occur due to shoulder dominance; the dominant shoulder may sit lower and may appear somewhat larger due to larger muscle mass. Also look at position of scapula and orwingingand any abnormal postures of swellings/injuries.


Palpation[edit|edit source]

Palpation of the shoulder region may provider the physical therapist with valuable information. The physical therapist should note the presence of swelling, texture, and temperature of the tissue. Additionally the physical therapist may observe asymmetry, sensation differences, and pain reproduction. Key palpable structures include:

  • Acromioclavicular Joint
  • Sternoclavicular Joint
  • Rotator Cuff Muscle Insertions
  • Long Head of the Biceps Tendon
  • Tenderness and altered sensation (subjective) local or referred
  • Surface temperature, texture (objective) - a hot tense surface may indicate infection, inflammation/synovitis, recent trauma or tumour
  • Swelling - may indicate effusion, tumour, nodule or bone changes
  • Crepitus with movement - occurs in osteoarthritis, tendinopathy and fracture[9]

Neurologic Assessment[edit|edit source]

A comprehensiveneurological examinationmay be warranted in patients that present with a primary complaint of shoulder pain. The presence of neurological symptoms including numbness and tingling may warrant this examination.

Myotomes[edit|edit source]

  • C4 – Shoulder Elevation/Shrug
  • C5 – Shoulder Abduction
  • C6 – Elbow Flexion, Wrist Extension
  • C7 – Elbow Extension, Wrist Flexion
  • C8 – Thumb Abduction/Extension
  • T1 – Finger Abduction

Dermatomes[edit|edit source]

  • C4 – Top of Shoulders
  • C5 – Lateral Deltoid
  • C6 – Tip of Thumb
  • C7 – Distal middle Finger
  • C8 – Distal 5th Finger
  • T1 – Medial Forearm

Pathological Reflexes[edit|edit source]

Deep Tendon Reflexes[edit|edit source]

  • Biceps Brachii – C5 Nerve Root
  • Brachioradialis – C6 Nerve Root
  • Triceps – C7 Nerve Root

Movement Testing[edit|edit source]

The patient performs active movements in all functional planes for the shoulder. This includes flexion, extension, abduction, adduction and internal and external rotation. Estimate the range of movement or measure with agoniometerand compare the affected with the unaffected shoulder and with the normal expected range.[9][14]

Active Range of Motion (ROM)[edit|edit source]

Active movements of the shoulder complex[15]
Active movements of the shoulder complex ROM
Elevation through abduction 170°-180°
Elevation through forward flexion 160°-180°
Elevation through the plane of the scapula 170°-180°
Lateral (external) rotation 80°-90°
Medial (internal) rotation 60°-100°
Extension 50°-60°
Adduction 50°-75°
Horizontal adduction/abduction (cross-flexion/ cross-extension) 130°
Circumduction 200°
Scapular protraction
Scapular retration
Combined movements (if necessary)
Repetitive movements (if necessary)
Sustained positions (if necessary)

Dysfunction- affecting movements. Which movements are limited, as this can help isolate the problem.

Consider the following if movements are limited by:

  • Pain: tendinopathy, impingement, sprain/strain, labral pathology
  • Mechanical block: labral pathology, frozen shoulder (see MRI image to the right)
  • Night pain (lying on affected shoulder): rotator cuff pathology, anterior shoulder instability, ACJ injury, neoplasm (particularly unremitting)
  • Sensation of ‘clicking or clunking’: labral pathology, unstable shoulder (either anterior or multidirectional instability)
  • Sensation of stiffness or instability: frozen shoulder, anterior or multidirectional instability

Passive ROM[edit|edit source]

May include each of the motions stated in the active ROM section. The therapist may opt to include overpressure to further stress the joint.

Muscle Length Assessment[edit|edit source]

Assessment of the flexibility of certain muscles may be warranted in patients with shoulder pain. These muscles may include, but are not limited to:

  • Latissimus Dorsi
  • Pectoralis Minor/Major
  • Levator Scapulae
  • Upper Trapezius
  • Scalenes (anterior/middle/posterior)

Muscle Strength[edit|edit source]

Resistive testing of the shoulder muscles typically includes the following motions:

  • Shoulder Flexion
  • Shoulder Extension
  • Shoulder Abduction
  • Horizontal Abduction
  • Horizontal Adduction
  • Internal Rotation
  • External Rotation

Resistive testing of the scapular stabilisation muscles may include:

Joint Mobility Assessment[edit|edit source]

Assessment of the mobility of the joint may indicate hypomobility within the joint and/or reproduce symptoms.

  • Glenohumeral
    • Anterior
    • Posterior
    • Inferior
    • Distraction
  • Acromioclavicular
    • Anterior
    • Posterior
  • Sternoclavicular
    • Anterior
    • Posterior
    • Superior
    • Inferior
  • Scapulothoracic
    • Elevation
    • Depression
    • Upward/downward rotation
    • Protraction/Retraction

Special Tests[edit|edit source]

Several special tests exist for particular disorders of the shoulder. Below are links to the specific pages for each pathology that describe the special tests:

Outcome Measures[edit|edit source]

Special Questions[edit|edit source]

Patients with shoulder pain should be questioned for the presence of red or yellowflags. A thorough medical history and possibly the use of a medical screening form is the initial step in the screening process. The chart below highlights some of the most common red flag conditions for patients with shoulder pain.

Red Flags[edit|edit source]

Red flags are sign and symptoms alerting the physiotherapist on a possible presence of a non-musculoskeletal, life-threatening pathology, fracture, infection, tumor and inflammatory rheumatic conditions. Examples include:[1][27]

  • Polymyalgia rheumatica. Often presents as bilateral shoulder pain and weakness. These patients must be assessed for temporal arteritis
  • Acutecompartmentsyndrome. May result from significant limb swelling following an injury or an excessively tight bandage or cast. The pain is disproportionate to the injury. Pulselessness of the limb does not usually occur, or is a very late sign. This condition is a surgical emergency[9]
  • Openfractures
  • Fractures with nerve or vascular compromise
  • Skin, but more particularlyjoint infections
  • Neoplasia
  • Serious and life threatening conditions that present with symptoms mimicking shoulder pain, such as referredischaemic cardiac pain
  • Left Shoulder- -MI 68.7% of patients reported shoulder pain during an acutemyocardial infarction[28]

Yellow Flags[edit|edit source]

To assess for yellow flags, if suspected these tools may be used;

  • TheFear Avoidance Belief Questionnaire(FABQ)
  • Depression Screening tools such as the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) or the Depression Anxiety Screening Scale (DASS) are useful in screening patients for depression.
  • ThePain Catastrophizing Scale, helps determine if the patient is exaggerating their pain and symptoms and the severity of the situations as a whole.

Fractures[edit|edit source]

Fractures may result from trauma such as falls onto an outstretched hand. These are known as FOOSH injuries. Commonly fractured within the shoulder region are:

  • Humeral Fractures
  • Clavicle Fractures[29]
    • Fractures of the clavicle usually result from a direct blow to the shoulder giving axial compression. The middle 1/3 of the clavicle is most often broken with an incidence of ~80%. Distal clavicle fractures have an incidence of 10-15% and medial clavicle fractures have and incidence of 3 to 5%. Significantly displaced fractures are managed surgically. Mid-shaft clavicle fractures have a lower rate of mal-union and better functional outcomes at one year.[30]A trial of conservative management may be warranted for non-displaced clavicular fractures.

Diagnostic ImagingRadiographs of the shoulder can be used to identify cysts, sclerosis, or acromial spurs, osteoarthritis of the acromioclavicular and glenohumeral joint, or calcific tendonitis. Common radiographic views may include (this may vary depending on medical provider):

  • Supraspinatus Outlet View
  • Scapular Y-View
  • Axillary View
  • Anterior-Posterior (AP) View

Clinical Picture[edit|edit source]

Presentation of different shoulder pathologies

  • Patients with suspectedglenohumeral instabilityor labral pathology may have feelings of “looseness or instability” particularly in abducted and externally rotated positions.
  • Patients with suspectedadhesive capsulitismay report intense global shoulder pain initially combined with a progressive loss of range of motion.
  • Patients with suspectedsubacromialor rotator cuff related impairment may report feelings of weakness, heaviness and/or pain.
  • Shoulder Osteoarthritis- progressive, activity-related pain that is deep in the joint and often localised posteriorly. As the disease progresses, night pain becomes more common
This flow diagram provides an aid to diagnosis of shoulder conditions:

Flowchart shoulder.jpg

References[edit|edit source]

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